Medicaid-Waiver Programs
Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS): gives home and community-based supports to children and adults with related conditions. There are over 200 related conditions, like cerebral palsy and spina bifida. The related condition must have occurred before the child was age 22. support-services-class Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD): gives services for children and adults who are deaf-blind or have a related condition that leads to deaf-blindness, and who have another disability. dbmd Home and Community-based Services (HCS): gives services and supports to children and adults with an intellectual disability (ID) or a related condition who live with their families, in their own homes, or in small group homes with no more than 4 people. services-hcs Medically Dependent Children Program (MDCP): gives services to children and adults who are 20 and younger who are medically fragile as an alternative to receiving services in a nursing facility. program-mdcp STAR+PLUS Home and Community-based Services (HCBS): gives services to adults over the age of 21 to keep them in their community and not in a nursing home facility. based-services-hcbs Texas Home Living (TxHmL) : gives services to children and adults with an intellectual disability (ID) or a related condition who live in their own home or their family’s home. Youth Empowerment Services (YES): gives home and community-based services to children under the age of 19 who otherwise would need psychiatric inpatient care or whose parents would turn to state custody for care. How to Add Your Child to Interest Lists Your child will go through this process once they move to the top of the list. Only then is the eligibility information reviewed and used to decide if your child can enroll. Call 1-877-438-5658- CLASS , DBMD , and MDCP waivers. Call Local Mental Health Authority YES Call Local Intellectual and Developmental Disability Authority (LIDDA) for HCS and TxHml GET STARTED : Texas Medicaid Transfer Line or Medicaid Hotline 800-252-8263
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