
6. Partnership Reference: point (h) of Article 22(3) CPR

The Programme was prepared with input from a wide range of partners/stakeholders across both the of the programme’s regions, in compliance with Article 22(3)(h) of the CPR. The selection of partners involved in programme preparation was based on the identification of appropriate partners/stakeholders from each of the relevant partners listed in Article 8(1). Role of Relevant Partners in Programme Preparation Relevant partners/stakeholders fully participated in programme preparation. A series of partnership structures, operating in accordance with the European Code of Conduct on Partnership and Art 8 of the CPR in relation to partnership and multi-level governance, were key to delivering the preparation stage. A series of specific preparation actions took place from 2020-22 in overlapping steps. National Partnership Structures Coordination between the Funds ensures strong synergies between co-financed interventions, resulting in reduced administrative cost and burden. Ireland created structures to ensure coordination between the Funds and other EU and national instruments, involving key bodies at EU, national, regional and local levels. These structures will remain in place for implementation.  Partnership Process Steering Group of the Funds (PPSG) : a national PPSG was established to assist programme authorities in developing the Partnership Agreement, including identifying and putting in place mechanisms to address synergies, complementarities and enhance cooperation across programmes. The PPSG includes representatives from Member State, the funds and responsible government department, economic and social partners, bodies promoting social inclusion; fundamental rights, rights of persons with disabilities, gender equality and non-discrimination, and relevant bodies representing civil society, the Common Agricultural Policy, the Recovery & Resilience Plan, and the Brexit Adjustment Reserve.  Partnership Agreement Working Group (PAWG) : reporting to the PPSG, the PAWG comprised fund programme authorities to assist with drafting and coordinating timelines for the purposes of the Partnership Agreement. It was instrumental in developing a common approach to the horizontal principles by identifying possible synergies/complementarities across the funds and other EU instruments. This group met regularly during the preparation phase, and it is proposed that it could continue to examine challenges of managing bodies in developing complementarities between actions and facilitate peer to peer learning between funds. Programme Preparation Activities The Managing Authority engaged with relevant partners during the programme preparation stage in a transparent and effective way. Consultation of partners followed several steps and processes from 2020-22, involving a needs analysis, review of public policy, meetings, workshops, questionnaires, public consultations and updates on progress. Documentation was circulated to members of the PPSG and the PAWG, notices of public consultation and consultation reports were published on the website with links from the websites of the Managing Authorities as part of the public consultation below. The output of these actions served as inputs, informing the shape of the programme. Partnership Agreement Needs Analysis, 2020 An independent needs analysis was completed in June 2020 for ERDF and ESF+ to assess the needs which could be addressed by Cohesion Funding through these funds. The report helped underpin planning for Ireland’s Partnership Agreement 2021-27 and provide strategic choices for the use of ERDF and ESF+. It comprised a review of the EU and national policy context and a detailed examination of the baseline situation, including evidence on research and innovation, competitiveness and growth, digitalisation, green economy, employment, education & skills, and childcare. It also identified social groups most affected by poverty or at risk of social exclusion. It assessed Ireland’s regional situation, including the three RSES and took account of Brexit and COVID-19. 49 organisations from the partners/ stakeholder categories were consulted as part of the process resulting in 36 formal written responses which resulted in identifying ten priority areas for the funds.




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