Public Consultation, June 2020 – September 2020 The Departments of Public Expenditure and Reform, and of Education & Skills and the Regional Assemblies commissioned an independent public consultation process in 2020 to prepare for the Partnership Agreement and Programmes. A key objective was to ensure public/stakeholders had an opportunity to shape cohesion policy in Ireland and to enhance the visibility of the funds and their support to Irish life. The consultation was built around three actions: Needs Analysis Report: detailed assessment of the policy landscape and the funding investment priorities 2021-27, based on needs and cohesion goals in a socio-economic context, National and Regional Workshop Event: online public consultation workshop on 28th July 2020 with over 100 attendees - presenting the funds, three regional interactive discussion groups, and a live poll on the priorities against the Needs Analysis, Public Consultation Survey: 13th July-4th Sept 2020 with a detailed survey and submission framework. 109 submissions were received from all sectors and analysed against several areas of enquiry, including a specific focus on regional needs. Relevant Stakeholder Scoping, 2020-2022 This involved engagement with relevant public bodies, such as government departments and state agencies, to identify initial policy and action alignment with the ERDF programmes for 2021-27. This process involved meetings with each public body and a questionnaire to determine possible synergies and opportunities for ERDF to enhance current national activities. It also involved presentations and discussions with members of the national steering group for Local Authority Decarbonisation Zones (DZs) on a selection of proposed actions. This group had representation from the CCMA, the Climate Action Regional Offices, the SEAI, the Office of the Planning Regulator, the Regional Assemblies and the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications. Assembly Meetings 2020 - 2022 The Regional Programme 2021-2027 was a recurring agenda item at Assembly Meetings. This ensured that the locally elected representatives that comprise the two Regional Assemblies could receive updates on programme development and provide input on the preparation of the programme. Complementarities Workshop & Report, April, November and December 2021 A series of complementarities workshop took place where the CPR funds and other EU programmes discussed the main themes of their programmes to identify possible complementarities. The funds discussed how they could work together to achieve common goals and mitigate against double funding. A report was drafted with an outline of the issues raised and next steps. Horizontal Enabling Conditions Engagement, 2021 The Funds worked closely with IHREC on the development of new guidance tool to strengthen the institutional capacity of Intermediate Bodies and Beneficiaries in advancing equality and human rights during programme implementation. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) & Public Consultation, 2022 In 2022, the MA commissioned an SEA of the Programme to evaluate the environment consequences of proposed plans/schemes, to ensure environmental issues are fully integrated and addressed at the earliest appropriate stage of decision making. Conducted in line with national and EU guidelines and legislation, the process includes two stage of consultation with the public and relevant statutory bodies. Role of Relevant Partners in Programme Implementation, Monitoring, Reporting & Evaluation Partnership is a key element at all stages of programme implementation, including monitoring, reporting, communication and evaluation. Many of the relevant partners/stakeholders who were involved at the preparation stage will be actively engaged with the MA in the implementation stage. Some relevant public bodies, such as Government Departments and state agencies, will be directly involved in programme delivery and other partners/stakeholders will be intervention beneficiaries, as appropriate. A performance framework has been established, as per Article 17 of the CPR, to allow for transparent monitoring, reporting & evaluating
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