
Appendix 1: Union contribution based on unit costs, lump sums and flat rates A. Summary of the main elements

Estimated proportion of the total financial allocation within the priority to which the SCO will be applied in %

Type(s) of operation covered

Indicator triggering reimbursement

Type of SCO (standard scale of unit costs, lump sums or flat rates)

Amount (in EUR) or percentage (in case of flat rates) of the SCO

Unit of measurement for the indicator triggering reimbursement



Specific objective

Category of region

Code(1) Description Code(2) Description

(1) This refers to the code for the intervention field dimension in Table 1 of Annex I to the CPR and the Annex IV to the EMFAF regulation (2) This refers to the code of a common indicator, if applicable

Appendix 1: Union contribution based on unit costs, lump sums and flat rates B. Details by type of operation C. Calculation of the standard scale of unit costs, lump sums or flat rates

1. Source of data used to calculate the standard scale of unit costs, lump sums or flat rates (who produced, collected and recorded the data, where the data is stored, cut- off dates, validation, etc.)

2. Please specify why the proposed method and calculation based on Article 94(2) CPR is relevant to the type of operation.

3. Please specify how the calculations were made, in particular including any assumptions made in terms of quality or quantities. Where relevant, statistical evidence and benchmarks should be used and, if requested, provided in a format that is usable by the Commission.

4. Please explain how you have ensured that only eligible expenditure was included in the calculation of the standard scale of unit cost, lump sum or flat rate.

5. Assessment of the audit authority(ies) of the calculation methodology and amounts and the arrangements to ensure the verification, quality, collection and storage of data.




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