
Appendix 2: Union contribution based on financing not linked to costs A. Summary of the main elements

Type(s) of operation covered

Unit of measurement for the conditions to be fulfilled/results to be achieved triggering reimbursement by the Commission


Conditions to be fulfilled/results to be achieved triggering reimbursement by the Commission

The amount covered by the financing not linked to cost

Envisaged type of reimbursement method used to reimburse the beneficiary(ies)

Category of region



Specific objective

Code (1)


Code (2)


(1) This refers to the code for the intervention field dimension in Table 1 of Annex I to the CPR and the Annex IV to the EMFAF regulation (2) This refers to the code of a common indicator, if applicable

B. Details by type of operation

Appendix 3: List of planned operations of strategic importance with a timetable Article 22(3) CPR The programme will support the establishment of two new Regional Smart Hubs for Entrepreneurial Research and Innovation in the programme area. Each of these Smart Hubs is expected to be an operation of strategic importance in the programme area. The operations will be selected through a competitive call. An indicative timetable is given below.

Q4 2022 Call Launch Q4 2023 Selection of operations Q4 2023 Commencement of operations Q1 2024 Official Launch

The new regional Smart Hubs for Entrepreneurial Research and Innovation will be established in key thematic areas aligned with the Ireland's Smart Specialisation Strategy and regional strategic priorities. They will establish a new model for regional innovation and entrepreneurial training. The model will integrate critical elements of a research and innovation (R&I) ecosystem with entrepreneurial approaches, thus accelerating time to market from research concept to HPSUs, new product introduction, licences and innovations.


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Programme snapshot 2021IE16RFPR00 2 1.1

31-Oct- 2022

Ares(2022)7548726 Programme_snapshot _2021IE16RFPR002_1. 1_en.pdf

31-Oct- 2022

Hogan, Enda




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