Policy objective or JTF specific objective
Specific objective or dedicated priority *
Justification (Summary)
upgrades more affordable for middle and high income households and noncorporate landlords. However, it is recognized that separate measures are required to support low-income households, particularly those at most risk of energy poverty who are not in a position to contribute to the cost of energy efficiency measures or with the repayment capacity to fund borrowing for energy efficiency measures. The ERSI “Energy Poverty and Deprivation in Ireland” report June 2022 evidenced that energy poverty (based on households spending more than 10% of disposal income on energy) in Ireland has increased from 13.2% in 2015/2016 to 29.4% as at April 2022 and estimate that if energy prices increase by a further 25% then the number of households in energy poverty will increase to 43%. To ensure the harmonious development of urban areas as well as non-urban areas, the ERDF Regulation EU 2021 /1058 provides under policy objective 5 for support to be delivered in an integrated manner to the economic, social and environmental development of regions based on cross-sectoral territorial strategies using integrated territorial development tools. Furthermore, when developing urban areas, special attention is required to be paid to supporting functional urban areas due to their importance in triggering cooperation between local authorities and partners across administrative borders as well as strengthening urban-rural linkages. The need to address competitiveness and attractiveness of our urban centres was captured in the independent Needs Analysis for ERDF and ESF+ Project Ireland 2040 is the overarching policy and planning framework for the social, economic and cultural development of Ireland. It includes a detailed capital investment plan for the period 2021 to 2030, the National Development Plan (NDP), and the 20-year National Planning Framework (NPF). In line with the NPF and NDP, the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies (RSES) and Metropolitan Area Strategic Plans (MASPs) / Strategic Growth Centre Plans set a 12- year statutory strategic planning and economic development framework for future economic, spatial, and social development of the Regions in pursuit of balanced regional development. Each RSES recognises the strategic role played by our urban settlements, building on Cities and Metropolitan Areas, Regional Growth Centres, Key Towns and our urban settlement networks as centres for population and employment growth to drive economic growth in the Regions. Regional Policy Objectives in each RSES support active land management and actions to address the principles of ‘Compact Growth’ and urban regeneration. RSO5.1 will provide for a place-based, flexible, innovative and integrated response to addressing Sustainable Urban Development, consistent with local and regional plans and with the national policy framework of Town Centre First.
5. A Europe closer to citizens by fostering the sustainable and integrated development of all types of territories and local initiatives
RSO5.1. Fostering the integrated and inclusive social, economic and environmental development, culture, natural heritage, sustainable tourism, and security in urban areas
* Dedicated priorities according to ESF+ Regulation
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