
2. Priorities Reference: Article 22(2) and point (c) of Article 22(3) CPR

2.1. Priorities other than technical assistance

2.1.1. Priority: SEM1. Smarter and More Competitive Regions Specific objective: RSO1.1. Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake

of advanced technologies (ERDF) Interventions of the Funds Reference: points (d)(i), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi) and (vii) of Article 22(3) CPR The related types of actions – point (d)(i) of Article 22(3) CPR and Article 6 ESF+ Regulation:

The following types of action will be taken under this priority to develop and enhance research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies in the programme area. Selection of operations will be tailored to regional needs and will support investments that are in line with the S3 strategy and the seven Regional Enterprise Plans within the programme area. The development of Regional Enterprise Plans has been done in parallel with the creation of the S3. The stakeholder consultation undertaken as part of the development of these Regional Enterprise Plans has acted as an entrepreneurial discovery process which has contributed valuable insights to the S3 for Ireland. Capacity building within the new and emerging technological universities (TUs) Action RSO1.1.1: Establish, strengthen and systemise the technological universities’ research and innovation offices which support their academic staff and researchers and wider enterprise and community stakeholders within their regions. This will include developing researcher human capital in the technological universities, including staff development, recruitment, postgraduate training and supervision, networking, and more structured collaborative knowledge-transfer and mobility schemes. This action responds to S3 ambitions by strengthening the new TUs to be regional innovation leaders. It aims to build new and additional capacity to facilitate and enable knowledge transfer and S3 objectives. Supports will include but are not limited to, for example, incubator and research space, advisory and support services, assistance with product and/or market development, and work placements. Enhanced RD&I capabilities and work placements into enterprises will bring knowledge and expertise out to the regions and bring problems and challenges back in, an important enabling step in cultivating SME engagement and building a pipeline for further collaborative projects. Supported costs will include staffing costs, stipends, training and events, consultancy, small capital and equipment costs and indirect costs. Action RSO1.1.2: Provide industry gateways with dedicated staff who work with industry to articulate company problems in a manner that can be addressed by the established expert base in each TU. Gateway staff will manage the interaction between enterprises and the technological university, help enterprises source funding where necessary, and ensure projects are delivered successfully and in an industry-friendly manner. Capacity building within the regions’ public research institutions Action RSO1.1.3: Retain Technology Transfer specialists to help companies and investors to access new knowledge and expertise, to drive innovation through collaboration, and to identify and license new technologies and IP. These specialists will continue to develop the Technology Transfer System in public research institutions and will provide new resources to place a focus on developing spin out company opportunities. Accelerating the translation of cutting-edge research into commercial applications at a regional level Action RSO1.1.4: Establish a new "Smart Hub" model for regional innovation and entrepreneurial training. The model will integrate critical elements of a research and innovation (R&I) ecosystem with entrepreneurial approaches, thus accelerating time to market from research concept to spin-outs, new product introduction, licences and innovations. The new regional Smart Hubs for Entrepreneurial Research and Innovation will be established in key thematic areas aligned with the Ireland's Smart Specialisation Strategy and regional strategic priorities.

Supporting innovation diffusion, enterprise innovation and entrepreneurship in the regions




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