a key framework to assist in ensuring initiatives include the appropriate actions and processes necessary to fully respect the horizontal principles. The programme will have access to and make use of the Equality and Human Rights in CPR Programming Guidance Tool. The guidance tool was published in 2022 and provides a practical and bespoke support for Managing Authorities, Intermediate Bodies and Beneficiary Bodies under CPR programmes in Ireland which outlines compliance requirements under Irish national law as well as CPR adherence. During implementation, key stakeholders such as human rights bodies will be represented on Programme Monitoring Committee. Funding calls involving public bodies will be subject to implementation of the Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty through an assessment of the relevant equality and human rights issues and a review to ensure an adequate and appropriate response to issues. Indication of the specific territories targeted, including the planned use of territorial tools – point (d)(v) of Article 22(3) CPR Supported actions will take place throughout the two NUT2 regions in the programme area. No territorial tools will be used under this specific objective. The interregional, cross-border and transnational actions – point (d)(vi) of Article 22(3) CPR The creation of the Technological Universities is a powerful complement to the established universities which already perform strongly and impactfully at interregional, cross-border and transnational levels. Action RSO1.1.1 and Action RSO1.1.2 will empower these new institutions to realise their potential in their regions and beyond, building on their distinctive R&I capability and increasing their collaboration with enterprise. These actions will help build a pipeline of R&I projects and investment, including for example, funding under Horizon Europe. Ireland's S3 identifies participation in the EU R&I framework programmes as the most effective mechanism for the Irish R&I community to collaborate with their counterparts in other countries. Ireland performed well under Horizon 2020, especially when adjusting for the size of our research base, submitting nearly 18,000 applications across all work programmes, with a success rate of 14.7% against an EU average of 12%. Irish SMEs were particularly successful, with nearly 5,000 applications securing over €300 million. The TU's increased R&I capacity and increased engagement with industry will allow them to play their part at a regional level in meeting the national target for Horizon Europe of €1.5 billion, as set out in Impact 2030: Ireland’s Research and Innovation Strategy (2022). It also creates significant opportunities under Interrreg programmes, for example, Interreg North West Europe, Interreg Europe and PEACE Plus. Action RSO1.1.3 will strengthen knowledge transfer across the entire HEI sector in the region and together with Action RSO1.1.4 and RSO1.1.5 will build capacity in the SME and HEI base to identify funding sources and to prepare professional and robust applications for competitive international R&D funds. Collectively, the full suite of actions under RSO1.1 will help researchers and innovators here to work with the best globally, with a particular focus on existing European collaborations, and on advancing Ireland’s international research and innovation footprint. They support Irish enterprises to adopt the latest advances in green and digital technological breakthroughs, leading to greater technological take-up and more HPSUs and spinouts with the ability to grow, scale and compete on international markets across Ireland’s regions. The planned use of financial instruments – point (d)(vii) of Article 22(3) CPR The selected form of support for all actions under PO1 is grants as none of the supported actions are expected to generate a return during their lifetime. The use of financial instruments would therefore not be feasible as a form of support and would not be attractive to potential beneficiaries.
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