
evidence of widespread regional support and collaboration. Evidence of viability and durability of the proposed capital project, its innovation intensity and extent of incubator services proposed will also be evaluated in the selection process.  The degree of justification required for large scale strategic change projects may in itself require the support of consultants, architects, academics, etc. to validate the economic need for and the case for viability of the proposed capital project. To that end it is proposed to offer support for a scoping study to support substantial project development of such potential large-scale projects. This will assist the project team to prepare and justify the case for evaluation at a subsequent competitive call and support development of a pipeline of potential large-scale projects over the duration of the funding allocation.  Projects must be collaborative in nature, they must be innovative, viable and sustainable with metrics and KPI’s which provide additionality to the existing regional infrastructure.  Projects will complement the solutions provided by the existing regional providers including higher education institutions, state agencies and private sector entities at a regional level. =================== Strategic Procurement and Environmentally Sustainable Solutions The Managing Authority will promote the strategic use of public procurement to support actions under this Specific Objective, including professionalisation efforts to address capacity gaps. Beneficiaries will be encouraged to use more quality-related and lifecycle cost criteria. When feasible, environmental (e.g., green public procurement criteria) and social considerations as well as innovation incentives will be incorporated into public procurement procedures. The selection of projects will be made based on criteria that take into account the most environmentally sustainable solutions. These criteria shall be adapted to the nature of the intervention and applied as widely as possible. Do No Significant Harm (DNSH) Analysis A DNSH analysis has been carried out at the level of the types of actions defined above and it has been determined that these actions would do no significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The main target groups - point (d)(iii) of Article 22(3) CPR: The main target beneficiaries for the actions under RSO1.3 are groups and clusters of SMEs that are involved in a collaborative proposal with other local and regional stakeholders, to build and improve regional innovation ecosystems. Funding of these clusters will typically be delivered through Designated Activity Companies (DACs) - not-for profit entities that are established to develop and deliver these collaborative proposals and projects. The other local and regional stakeholders may include industry groups, community development groups and public bodies, such as Local Authorities, Higher Education Institutes and other agencies of the State. The non-financial supports provided by the beneficiaries to enterprises in the regions will target small and medium enterprises, in particular start-ups and scaling companies. Actions safeguarding equality, inclusion and non-discrimination – point (d)(iv) of Article 22(3) CPR and Article 6 ESF+ Regulation Please refer to details already provided under 'Actions safeguarding equality, inclusion and non-discrimination – point (d)(iv) of Article 22(3) CPR and Article 6 ESF+ Regulation' under RSO1.1. Indication of the specific territories targeted, including the planned use of territorial tools – point (d)(v) of Article 22(3) CPR Supported actions will take place throughout the two NUT2 regions in the programme area. No territorial tools will be used under this specific objective.




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