
2.1.1. Priority: SEM2. Low-Carbon Energy Efficient Regions Specific objective: RSO2.1. Promoting energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions (ERDF) Interventions of the Funds Reference: points (d)(i), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi) and (vii) of Article 22(3) CPR The related types of actions – point (d)(i) of Article 22(3) CPR and Article 6 ESF+ Regulation:

The following types of action will be taken under this priority to promote energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the programme area. Improving the energy efficiency of residential homes and reducing the risk and prevalence of energy poverty in our regions Action RSO2.1.1: Support the delivery of energy efficiency renovations free of charge to owner-occupied lower- income households who meet the defined eligibility criteria and who are in, or are vulnerable to, energy poverty. This action will use learnings from similar actions in the 2014-2020 programming period and will: retrofit homes with the aim to achieve, on average, at least a medium-depth level renovation pilot the installation of heat pumps in existing premises, to replace older less efficient heating systems gather evidence from the pilot to inform the appropriate process and approach to increasing the number of B2 upgrades and heat pump installations going forward provide an evidence base to improve the targeting of energy efficiency schemes examine the impact of retrofitting on alleviating energy poverty ERDF resources will be focused on “Deep Heat Renovations” to include attic insulation, cavity insulation, external and internal wall insulation, new heating systems and where appropriate replacement windows, draught proofing, lagging jackets and energy efficient lighting. The exact measures will be based on a technical assessment of each property. Resource efficient building materials and recycling building materials will be encouraged where feasible. Selection of eligible properties will be prioritised based firstly on applications received prior to 14th February 2022 and then by worst performing BER of E, F and G homes built before 1995 with an objective to concentrate resources on the properties where the greatest impact can be achieved. Pre-works and post-works BERs will be required for all homes renovated in order to ensure the reliability and accuracy of indicator data. Learning from the Interreg Europe EMPOWER project will also be used to support the evaluation of impact on energy poverty. The Managing Authority will establish a Communications Working Group to include the ERDF Communications Officers from both Regional Programmes together with representatives of DECC and the beneficiary to agree on an approach and action plan to improving the visibility of ERDF supports. =================== Strategic Procurement and Environmentally Sustainable Solutions The Managing Authority will promote the strategic use of public procurement to support actions under this Specific Objective, including professionalisation efforts to address capacity gaps. Beneficiaries will be encouraged to use more quality-related and lifecycle cost criteria. When feasible, environmental (e.g., green public procurement criteria) and social considerations as well as innovation incentives will be incorporated into public procurement procedures. The selection of projects will be made based on criteria that take into account the most environmentally sustainable solutions. These criteria shall be adapted to the nature of the intervention and applied as widely as possible. Do No Significant Harm (DNSH) Analysis A DNSH analysis has been carried out at the level of the types of actions defined above and it has been determined that these actions would do no significant harm to environmental objectives within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council.




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