The main target groups - point (d)(iii) of Article 22(3) CPR: The target beneficiary of ERDF funding under RSO2.1 will be a public body or bodies responsible for energy efficiency in residential buildings at national, regional or local level. Funding is likely to be awarded through non- competitive calls and will use public procurement to deliver the supported actions at scale within the programme area. Energy efficiency works will be carried out by a panel of contractors, which may include both SMEs and community-based organisations. This panel will be appointed following a public procurement process. The scale up of investment will support job creation in SMEs and community-based organisations in the programme area. The ultimate beneficiaries of the actions supported will be lower income homeowners in the programme area who are in, or are vulnerable to, energy poverty. The criteria for qualifying homeowners will be kept under review and may be modified during the lifetime of the programme to support optimal targeting of households vulnerable to energy poverty. Actions safeguarding equality, inclusion and non-discrimination – point (d)(iv) of Article 22(3) CPR and Article 6 ESF+ Regulation Please refer to details already provided under 'Actions safeguarding equality, inclusion and non-discrimination – point (d)(iv) of Article 22(3) CPR and Article 6 ESF+ Regulation' under RSO1.1. Indication of the specific territories targeted, including the planned use of territorial tools – point (d)(v) of Article 22(3) CPR Supported actions will take place throughout the two NUT2 regions in the programme area. No territorial tools will be used under this specific objective. The interregional, cross-border and transnational actions – point (d)(vi) of Article 22(3) CPR The design, implementation and evaluation of Action RSO2.1.1 provide significant opportunities for interregional, cross-border and transnational learning and collaborative projects. Action RSO2.1.1 can build on learning from current Interreg projects, for example the Interreg Europe EMPOWER project, and it will create opportunities for new transnational projects under Interreg and other EU programmes. The Managing Authority will be working with key actors at local, regional and national level, including SEAI. SEAI is the EU Horizon 2020 national delegate for Societal Challenge 3 – Secure, Clean & Efficient Energy where their role is to identify research priorities in Europe and also represent Ireland at international fora, including the Energy Agency, EU and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This opens up opportunities to collaborate with these actors on a range of design, implementation and evaluation activities and to promote the adoption of the latest advances in green and digital technology. The planned use of financial instruments – point (d)(vii) of Article 22(3) CPR The selected form of support is grants. While a financial instrument will be used under the NRRP to make comprehensive home energy efficiency upgrades more affordable to middle- and high-income households and noncorporate landlords, this form of support is not considered suitable for low-income households at risk of energy poverty. Government policy is to provide free home energy upgrades for this category of homeowner.
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