3.6. Total financial appropriations by fund and national co-financing Reference: point (g)(ii) of Article 22(3), Article 22(6) and Article 36 CPR
For the Investment for jobs and growth goal: programmes using technical assistance according to Article 36(5) CPR in accordance with the choice made in the Partnership Agreement
Table 11: Total financial allocations by fund and national contribution Policy / JTF
Indicative breakdown of national contribution
Breakdown of Union contribution
specific objectiv e number or technica l assistan ce
Union contribution
Flexibilmity amount
Basis for calculati on Union support
Union contribution (a)=(b)+(c)+(i)+ (j)
Category of region*
National contribution (d)=(e)+(f)
Priorit y
Fun d
Total (g)=(a)+(d)
Co-financing rate (h)=(a)/(g)
without technical assistance
without technical assistance
for technical assistance pursuant to Article 36(5) (j) 1,242,681. 00
for technical assistance pursuant to Article 36(5) (c)
Privat e (f)
Public (e)
pursuant to Article 36(5) (b) 113,966,339. 00
pursuant to Article 36(5) (i) 20,711,353. 00
SEM1 Public
More develope d More develope d More develope d More develope d
142,758,353.0 0
6,837,980.0 0
214,137,530. 00
214,137,530. 00
356,895,883. 00
39.999999944 0%
SEM2 Public
84,421,844.00 67,395,346.0 0
4,043,720.0 0
12,247,904. 00
734,874.00 126,632,768. 00
126,632,768. 00
211,054,612. 00
39.999999621 0%
SEM3 Public
38,297,285.00 30,573,352.0 0
1,834,400.0 0
5,556,163.0 0
333,370.00 57,445,929.0 0
57,445,929.0 0
95,743,214.0 0
39.999999373 3%
265,477,482.0 0
211,935,037. 00
12,716,100. 00
38,515,420. 00
2,310,925. 00
398,216,227. 00
398,216,227. 00
663,693,709. 00
39.999999758 9%
Grand total 39.999999758 9% * For ERDF and ESF+: less developed, transition, more developed, and, where applicable special allocation for outermost and northern sparsely populated regions. For Cohesion Fund: not applicable. For technical assistance, application of categories of region depends on the selection of the fund. 265,477,482.0 0 211,935,037. 00 12,716,100. 00 38,515,420. 00 2,310,925. 00 398,216,227. 00 398,216,227. 00 663,693,709. 00 ** Indicate the total JTF resources, including the complementary support transferred from the ERDF and the ESF+. The table shall not include the amounts in accordance to Article 7 JTF Regulation. In case of technical assistance financed from the JTF, the JTF resources should be split into resources related to Articles 3 and 4 JTF Regulation. For Article 4 JTF Regulation, there is no flexibility amount.
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