
4. Enabling conditions Reference: point (i) of Article 22(3) CPR

Table 12: Enabling conditions Enabling condition Fund

Fulfilment of enabling condition

Specific objective

Fulfilment of criteria

Reference to relevant documents



1. Effective monitoring mechanisms of the public procurement market


Monitoring mechanisms are in place that cover all public contracts and their procurement under the Funds in line with Union procurement legislation. That requirement includes: 1. Arrangements to ensure compilation of effective and reliable data on public procurement procedures above the Union thresholds in accordance with reporting obligations under Articles 83 and 84 of Directive 2014/24/EU and Articles 99 and 100 of Directive 2014/25/EU.


National Public Procurement Policy Framework

The Office of Government Procurement (OGP) has responsibility for developing and setting out the overarching policy framework for public procurement in Ireland. The National Public Procurement Guidelines outline the responsibilities of contracting authorities to comply with monitoring and reporting arrangements in line with EU procurement legislation. eTenders provides a central facility for advertisement of procurement opportunities and award notices across the public sector which is reported on by OGP. The CWMF is an integrated set of contractual provisions, guidance material and technical procedures which covers all aspects of the delivery process of a public works project from inception to final project delivery and review. As is noted in DPER circular 13/2015 on management and control procedures for ESIF, Managing Authorities, Intermediate Bodies and Beneficiaries are responsible for ensuring that projects and operations are in compliance with Procurement Guidelines and EU legislation. l-public-procurement- policy-framework/ National Public Procurement Guidelines on Goods and Services procurement-guidelines- for-goods-and-services/

Capital Works Management Framework


DPER circular 13/2015 cular/2b0103e70fec41279 83d2c1e60e0546d/ This will be updated for 21-27 period.




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