Fulfilment of enabling condition
Enabling condition
Specific objective
Fulfilment of criteria
Reference to relevant documents
2. Arrangements to ensure the data cover at least the following elements: a. Quality and intensity of competition: names of winning bidder, number of initial bidders and contractual value; b. Information on final price after completion and on participation of SMEs as direct bidders, where national systems provide such information. 3. Arrangements to ensure monitoring and analysis of the data by the competent national authorities in accordance with article 83 (2) of directive 2014/24/EU and article 99 (2) of directive 2014/25/EU. 4. Arrangements to make the results of the analysis available to the public in accordance with article 83 (3) of directive 2014/24/EU and article 99 (3) directive 2014/25/EU.
The National Public Procurement Guidelines for Goods and Services set out these arrangements on page 72-73. Reports in relation to this directive are submitted to the Commission by the OGP as required.
https://ogp.gov.ie/public- procurement-guidelines- for-goods-and-services/
https://www.etenders.gov .ie/Media/Default/SiteCon tent/LegislationGuides/Cir cular_10_-_14_0.pdf
OGP analyses the data captured on eTenders and prepares Article 83 and Article 99 reports to the European Commission as required. The Report of the Interim Procurement Reform Board is published regularly and contains additional information. Reports are published on the OGP website once finalised. The OGP also publishes an annual Spend and Tendering Analysis report. The Report of the Interim Procurement Reform Board is published regularly and contains additional information.
Report of the Interim Procurement Reform Board
Public Service Spend and Tendering Analysis https://ogp.gov.ie/wp- content/uploads/OGP- 2017-Public-Service- Spend-and-Tendering- Analysis.pdf Report of the Interim Procurement Reform Board
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