Fulfilment of enabling condition
Enabling condition
Specific objective
Fulfilment of criteria
Reference to relevant documents
Interdepartmental Committee on State Aid is a state aid network, which includes Managing Authorities, shares information and knowledge. The MAs will ensure compliance with the Charter in all Funds. IHREC will support the MAs with monitoring, assisting to ensure compliance with the Charter. The Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty (the Duty) requires public bodies to have regard to non- discrimination, equality, and human rights in carrying out their functions. Adherence to the Duty by all implementing bodies will help to ensure compliance with the Charter. Building on the Duty, a guidance tool has been developed with IHREC to assist Intermediate Bodies (IBs) and Beneficiaries in advancing equality and human rights. IHREC will be invited to sit on the PMCs and will be consulted throughout the development of the PA and OPs and in implementation, monitoring and evaluation of OPs. Compliance will be ensured through application of the Duty and with the help of the Commission’s ‘Fundamental Rights Checklist’ and IHREC guidance. Each IB or scheme delivery partner will report annually on progress in relation to human
3. Effective application and implementation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights
Effective mechanisms are in place to ensure compliance with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union ('the Charter') which include: 1. Arrangements to ensure compliance of the programmes supported by the Funds and their implementation with the relevant provisions of the Charter.
Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014 http://www.irishstatutebo ok.ie/eli/2014/act/25/ena cted/en/print IHREC Strategy Statement https://www.ihrec.ie/app/ uploads/2019/02/Final- Strategy-Statement-ENG- VERSION.pdf Implementing the Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty https://www.ihrec.ie/app/ uploads/2019/03/IHREC_P ublic_Sector_Duty_Final_E ng_WEB.pdf Guidance Tool on Equality and Human Rights in EU Funds https://eufunds.ie/regulat ions-guidance/
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