Fulfilment of enabling condition
Enabling condition
Specific objective
Fulfilment of criteria
Reference to relevant documents
rights and equality and on continued compliance with the Charter.
Training on human rights and equality will be procured and provided to staff in the MAs, IBs and Beneficiaries as required. Where a complaint regarding the Charter or potential case of non-compliance of operations supported by the Funds with the Charter is brought to the attention of the MA, the MA will establish the facts of the case. If the case is established by the MA to be a potential breach of the Charter, the MA will request that IHREC provide an assessment. The MA will state clearly the reasons for its belief that a potential breach of the Charter has occurred. Upon formal receipt of such a request, IHREC will complete their assessment with reference to Ireland’s obligations under the Charter. Where IHREC deem that the Charter has not been complied with they will inform the Monitoring Committee. IHREC will set out its findings in a report and propose recommendations, if any, drawing on the Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty and the guidance tool developed by IHREC and the MAs to support integration of equality and human rights standards under the Funds. The MA will respond and inform the Committee of any remedial actions taken and of the scope to draw lessons for the implementation of
2. Reporting arrangements to the monitoring committee regarding cases of non- compliance of operations supported by the Funds with the Charter and complaints regarding the Charter submitted in accordance with the arrangements made pursuant to Article 69(7).
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