Fulfilment of enabling condition
Enabling condition
Specific objective
Fulfilment of criteria
Reference to relevant documents
sector. The REPs mid-cycle reviews will be informed and updated by this bottom-up stakeholder-led process. A renewed cycle of REPs from 2024 will ensure continuous EDP until 2027. At NUTS2 level, S3 will be part of the statutory RSESs, chaired by the Regional Assemblies, which will engage directly with the 9 REPs steering committees to gain stakeholder participation in the identification of cross-regional priority areas, as well as providing their own analysis on regional insights. Current enterprise policy promotes collaboration, clustering and linkages between HEIs and enterprises. Initiatives e.g., DTIF, Knowledge Transfer Ireland, Innovation Partnerships etc. provide for partnerships between HEIs, research and enterprise, particularly SMEs, complementing other innovation initiatives from EI and SFI. DETE is working on a new national clustering approach as part of a new national enterprise policy White Paper by end 2022. Newly established Technological Universities will build on S3 regional sectoral specialisations which, in turn, will be supported by ERDF. Data shows the productivity gap between MNCs and SMEs has been increasing since 2000. Tackling this gap through S3’s emphasis on innovation diffusion, as well as bottom-up quadruple helix stakeholder engagement, is key to addressing this.
Eastern and Midland Region RSES
Northern and Western Region RSES
Southern Region RSES
5. Actions necessary to improve national or regional research and innovation systems, where relevant.
Chapters 2 to 8, inclusive, of the National Smart Specialisation Strategy for Research and Innovation 2022-2027 outline actions necessary to enhance national and regional research and innovation systems.
New Regional Enterprise Plans to 2024
Regional Enterprise Plans (NUTS 3 level) supported by regional stakeholder
committees and the Regional Enterprise Development Fund Eastern and Midland Region RSES
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