
Fulfilment of enabling condition

Enabling condition

Specific objective

Fulfilment of criteria

Reference to relevant documents




Knowledge Transfer Ireland’s Annual Knowledge Transfer Survey 2021

links, IG members will share information on opportunities through EDIHs, IPCEIs, ERA, Interreg Europe, COHES3ION, EUREKA, ESA, EuroHPC, EuroCC, the European CCP and others. Other endeavours to support such international collaboration are contained in S3. Ireland published its Long-Term Renovation Strategy (LTRS) and submitted it to the European Commission in 2020 as required under the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (2018/844/EU) (Recast). Ireland subsequently published the National Retrofit Plan – which builds on and augments the LTRS as part of the Climate Action Plan 2021. This plan (and future National Retrofit Plans) provide further detailed target setting. Ireland is now on a legally binding path to net-Zero emissions no later than 2050, and to a 51% reduction in emissions by the end of this decade under the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act 2021. The Act provides the framework for Ireland to meet its international and EU climate commitments and to become a leader in addressing climate change. In November 2021, Ireland published its Climate Action Plan 2021. This plan sets a roadmap for taking decisive action to halve our emissions by 2030 and reach net zero no later than 2050.

2.1. Strategic policy framework to support energy efficiency renovation of residential and non-residential buildings


1. A national long term renovation strategy to


Ireland's Long Term Renovation Strategy 2020 blication/a4d69-long- term-renovation-strategy/ National Retrofit Plan (Chapter 14 of Climate Action Plan 2021) blication/6223e-climate- action-plan-2021/


Promoting energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions

support the renovation of the national stock of residential and non-residential buildings is adopted, in line with the requirements of Directive (EU) 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council , which: (a) entails indicative milestones for 2030, 2040 and 2050; (b) provides an indicative outline of financial resources to support the implementation of the strategy; (c) defines effective mechanisms for promoting investments in building renovation. 2. Energy efficiency improvement measures to achieve required energy savings


Climate Action Plan 2021 blication/6223e-climate- action-plan-2021/




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