IUJ Brochure 2023-2024

The PhD Program is dedicated to developing high-level research abilities for a wide range of contemporary international issues through rigorous academic training. It also helps students acquire a long-term vision of a rapidly changing world with diverse perspectives in global contexts. Targeting future leaders in international organizations, public organizations and/or governments, the PhD Program aims at fostering high-level professionals who play an important role in the international arena with theoretical, analytical, and practical abilities as well as advance researchers to be able to operate effectively in an international society. All courses are conducted in English. The PhD program, according to specialized research areas, consists of 3 clusters that are extensions of our 3 existing master’s programs in GSIR, i.e., “International Relations Program,” “International Development Program”, and “Public Management and Policy Analysis Program.” PhD PhD Program GSIR

International Relations Cluster (PhD in International Relations)

Economics Cluster (PhD in Economics)

Public Management Cluster (PhD in Public Management)

Fosters researchers with specialized knowledge and high-level research abilities in the increasingly complex field of International Relations, including security, and provides those professionals with the above-mentioned knowledge and abilities which can be applied to relevant jobs (such as security policy formulation) and be implemented in such places as international organizations and government bodies.

Fosters researchers with specialized knowledge and high-level research abilities in Economics including quantitative and statistical methods, and provides those professionals with the above-mentioned knowledge and abilities which can be applied to relevant jobs (such as economic development or economic policy formulation) in such places as international organizations and government bodies.

Fosters researchers with specialized knowledge and high-level research abilities in Public Management, and provides those professionals with the above-mentioned knowledge and abilities which can be applied to relevant jobs (such as effective management) in such places as international organizations and government bodies.

The PhD curriculum consists of Core Required Courses and PhD Dissertation Advanced Seminars. The Courseworks is designed to give students high level specialized and scholastic knowledge and research capability required for PhD candidates. The PhD Dissertation Advanced Seminars are designed to give students guidance for writing a PhD dissertation. Curriculum & Degree Requirements

① Core Required Courses : 6 credits (3 courses)

International Relations Cluster

Economics Cluster

Public Management Cluster

- Advanced Macroeconomics (Fall, 1 st year) - Advanced Microeconomics (Winter, 1 st year) - Advanced Econometrics (Spring, 1 st year)

- Advanced Politics and Governance (Fall, 1 st year) - Advanced Public Management (Winter, 1 st year) - Advanced Public Policy Process (Spring, 1 st year)

- Advanced Studies in Theories in International Relations (Fall, 1 st year) - Advanced Studies in International Political Economy (Winter, 1 st year) - Advanced Studies in Human Rights and Global Justice (Spring, 1 st Year)

② PhD Dissertation Advanced Seminars : 9 credits (3 courses)

- PhD Dissertation Advanced Seminar II (2 nd full year)

- PhD Dissertation Advanced Seminar III (3 rd full year)

- PhD Dissertation Advanced Seminar I (1 st full year)

③ Comprehensive Examination To pass the PhD candidate examination conducted at the end of 1 st year. Candidates will be given a second chance during the 2 nd year to take this examination if they fail the examination in the 1 st year. ④ Final Examination To pass the evaluation and the final examination of their PhD dissertation. The PhD dissertation is, in principle, comprised of three academic papers, one of which must be accepted by a refereed academic journal. * See our website (https://www.iuj.ac.jp/phd1/phd/index_en.html) for details of the 3-year schedule

Student Profile

Ballo, Bocar Dit Binke (Mali)

Agent, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of Asia-Oceania , Mali


Program Feature

IUJ's Ph.D. in International Relations program offers a high-level understanding of theories and practices, developing research capability and analytical skills, interdisciplinary approaches, and opportunities to present their research at prestigious conferences and publish their findings.

Research Topic

The Impact of Governance on Global Economic Integration


I am eager to continue honing my diplomatic skills and furthering my career in diplomacy within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


PhD Program

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