The Japan-Global Development Program (JGDP) is a program jointly implemented and managed by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the International University of Japan as part of the JICA Development Studies Program (JICA-DSP). It aims to provide an opportunity to learn universal development and growth logic across the fields of politics, economics, and management, using Japan's experiences in economic development and corporate growth as basic case materials. The JGDP is an international human resource development program introduced by IUJ as the first joint program between GSIR and GSIM. Its outstanding characteristics are: 1. International students learn logic and lessons in development from Japan’s experiences (both successes and failures) and acquire knowledge and skills to consider developing strategies for their homelands. 2. Japanese students develop the ability to explain the logic of Japanese development in English by learning about Japan's experiences. With that skill, they are able to communicate their knowledge with the world. 3. Students who will work in the international arena in the future learn the universal logic of economic development and corporate growth using Japan’s experiences as case materials. The JGDP is not intended to be a program that trains Japanese specialists. The logic and lessons from Japan’s experiences will help future leaders from abroad as they think about strategies for development back home. Thus, the logic behind Japan’s experiences can be applied to various global scenarios. That is why we call this program the Japan-Global Development Program. It enables Japanese students to explain their country’s development logically when they go abroad and helps them play an active role as global leaders. Depending on the students’ wishes, they can select an area of concentration from those presented in the following table and choose the school to which they want to belong. As such, those who choose “Foreign Policy” , “Economic Policy” , “Development Policy” , or “Public Management” are part of GSIR , and those who choose “Management” become a member of GSIM . Degrees awarded for the respective concentrations : Concentration (GSIR) Degree Name Concentration (GSIM) Degree Name Foreign Policy MA in International Relations Management Master of Business Administration Economic Policy MA in Economics Development Policy MA in International Development Public Management MA in Public Management Curriculum All JGDP courses emphasize both theoretical background and international comparison. JGDP courses offered by GSIR cover various fields, from the international political and economic environment after Japan's Meiji Restoration to Japan’s education system, the characteristics of Japan’s postwar economic growth, Japan’s foreign policy, politics, national security policy, and foreign assistance policy. JGDP courses offered by GSIM provide education on Japanese style management, corporate finance, and Japan’s financial system, Japan’s major industries, human resource practices, manufacturing management, business leaders, and development of SMEs. Degree Requirements The requirements for completing the JGDP are 1) two years of enrollment, 2) acquisition of at least 40 credits, 3) submission of a master’s thesis or research report after receiving the necessary research guidance, and 4) passing the thesis/research report evaluation and final examination. JGDP Courses NOTE : The curriculum may be subject to change. GSIR GSIM Learning Universal Logic in Development, grounded in the Japanese experience JGDP Japan-Global Development Program
Courses offered by GSIR
Courses offered by GSIM
- International Relations and Foreign Policy of Japan - Japan’s Education System - Japanese Development Cooperation : Implementation and Practice - Japanese Government and Politics - Japanese International Development Cooperation - Japanese National Security Policy - Modern Japan in the World - Politico-economic History of Japan’s Modernization - Postwar Japanese Economic Statecraft - Postwar Japanese Politics
- Agriculture Business and Policy in Japan - Business Leaders in Japan - Japan’s Major Industries and Human Resource Practices - Japanese Corporate Finance and Financial System - Japanese Style Management and Corporate Governance - Monozukuri (Manufacturing) Management in Japan
- Primer for Industrial Development Policy - Small to Medium-sized Firms in Japan
(Besides the JGDP courses listed above, JGDP students are required to take courses offered by the master’s programs of their concentrations.)
Japan Focus When students belonging to other master’s programs obtain 8 or more credits of JGDP courses, they can receive a special certificate of “Japan Focus.”
Student Profile
Zarbo, Alessandro (Italy) Pre-IUJ
Bachelor's Degree at University of Trieste in International and Diplomatic Sciences The JGDP not only provides all the knowledge of a normal MBA but also deepens the analysis about Japan and its economic success, preparing students with strong understanding and skills to face any possible situation in the business world all over the globe.
Program Feature
Research Topic
Japanese corporate culture and the difficulties of F1: the Toyota case
Recommended Course
Business Leaders in Japan (Prof. Takeo Kikkawa) Professor's knowledge and stories of the successful leaders analyzed in the course offer great inspiration to students who aim to pursue business success.
Pursue a career in motorsport with a goal of opening a company in Japan
Japan-Global Development Program
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