Career Support
IUJ Alumni flourish globally!
I’m working for Nissan Motor Corporation and am responsible for the development, maintenance, and utilization of databases for the investment management of new products. As soon as I had enrolled in IUJ, I was motivated to gain a strong foundation in accounts and finance, to establish networks and connections, and to develop interpersonal and leadership skills. I have achieved them all through compact classes, the professors’ dedication toward students, the multi-cultural environment at IUJ, as well as the opportunities for vivid experiences. Also, through my role as a Teaching Assistant, Tutor, Facilitator, IT Help Desk Support, and House Captain within my two years of study, IUJ gave me opportunities that I might not have acquired otherwise. In my day-to-day work, I am using the Statistics and Econometrics knowledge along with the relationship-building skills I gained at IUJ to develop a positive association with people around me. My current goal is to have deeper insights into my job role and develop relevant skills and knowledge. Just as I did while at IUJ, I wish to continue learning and growing both personally, and professionally as it will keep me open to new experiences and challenges.
Pooja Yadav (Nepal) Nissan Motor Corporation (Japan) MBA, Class of 2022
How you can cul ti vate yourself in IUJ
Internships in Japan Individual Counseling Support for job offers in Japan
Exchange program – Overseas study Cross-Registration – to take courses from other degree program’s offerings Compact classes and ac ti ve learning with professors’ careful dedica tion
Non - academic
- Company Info Sessions - Japanese Interview Manner Seminars - Career Seminars - Networking event with IUJ Alumni - Alumni Career Advisors Network
Internati onal Environment
Exposure to an internati onal environment with colleagues over 70 countries for one to two years
Interact with classmates through a variety of events and social opportuni ties
Where are IUJers Working? Accenture Japan Ltd / KPMG Ignition Tokyo / Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd / The World Bank / UNICEF
Click here for more information!
July - September
November - June
1 st year
Resume Writing Self-Analysis
Learn the Japanese working environment
Career Guidance
- June
September -
October -
Job for companies Job for Interna�onal Organiza�on
2 nd year
Job Fairs
Job Applications
Career Support
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