President’s Message / About IUJ
A University Where the World Cooperates
The International University of Japan is a graduate school that welcomes approximately 200 new students each academic year. Although this is a relatively small number when compared to other universities, students from about 70 countries from all over the world gather on our Urasa campus in a spirit of cooperation. Our university provides a “global space” within Japan, meaning that “students can learn about the world and learn about Japan” on our campus. In general, students live in dormitories on campus and English is used as the only language of instruction, enabling students to receive an in-depth graduate education in international relations and international management at a global standard. IUJ prides itself in that not only the faculty use English; the administrative staff, who assist students in a range of matters, are also proficient in English. Many students come to IUJ with support from organizations such as JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), ADB (Asian Development Bank), and the IMF (International Monetary Fund). A number of students are also dispatched to study at IUJ from Japanese companies. In addition, many students from Japan and abroad have entered IUJ independently by taking advantage of our extensive scholarship system available to applicants.
IUJ President Takeo Kikkawa
We hope you choose to join us and study at IUJ to become a truly global leader.
About IUJ
The International University of Japan (IUJ) was created in 1982, as Japan’s first graduate-school-only university, by bold leaders with a unique vision representing businesses, governments, and world organizations. IUJ equips students with interdisciplinary skills in politics, economics, and management, as well as historical and cultural perspectives to take on current global issues in their chosen profession. Offering an English-only curriculum to students from 70 countries taught by a highly qualified faculty, IUJ boasts master’s and doctoral degree in two graduate schools:
GSIR - Graduate School of International Relations GSIM - Graduate School of International Management
With active interdisciplinary research initiatives and an interactive alumni network of more than 5,000 graduates from 143 countries and regions, IUJ is making effective use of our global outreach to link up world organizations, businesses, and governments both in and outside of Japan.
President Message / About IUJ
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