IPPP International Public Policy Program 1-year Track
A one-year mid-career program designed for future governmental leaders in collaboration with JICA
The International Public Policy Program is a one-year mid-career program, designed for diplomats and government officials of countries in Asia, the Pacific, and around the world. It is a program that has been developed through close consultation between IUJ and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Students in this program will choose their concentration areas (either "International Affairs" or "Public Policy"), depending on their professional backgrounds and career goals, and study various disciplinary-related courses in their respective fields. They will also be able to take a variety of issue-oriented courses as electives, choosing from a wide range of offerings at IUJ. In summer, toward the end of their one-year study program, students will participate in intensive capstone courses, some of which will be delivered by specially invited experts in their field. Students will be given opportunities to discuss global issues, such as the changing international political and economic landscape and global environmental challenges. Thus, the program will not only encourage students to look back on and systematize their professional experiences, but also enable students to incorporate these experiences into a body of knowledge with which they can further their professional capabilities. The program will also help the students to develop their capabilities to think about and discuss various international public policy issues from long-term, broad, and diverse perspectives.
Curriculum Fall
NOTE : The curriculum may be subject to change.
Degree Requirements
Elective : 30 credits (Basic (10) + Other Elective (20))
Master of International Public Policy 32 credits & Research Report
Seminar : 2 credits
Elective Basic Courses
- Human Rights and Global Justice : Cultures, Gender, and Equality - International Organizations - International Politics
< Summer Capstone Courses> - Geopolitics in the Contemporary World
- Future of Capitalism - Understanding China
- Introduction to Policy Analysis - Microeconomics I : Price theory - Public Policy Process - Security and Strategy : National and International - Statistical Methods
International Affairs
Public Policy
- Comparative Government and Politics - Diplomacy and Statecraft - Environment, Sustainable Development, and Human Security - Foreign Policy Analysis
- Asian Perspective of Public Governance - Applied Econometrics or Econometrics - Cost Benefit Analysis - Information Policy and Management - Introduction to Policy Modeling - Leadership in the Public Sector - Local Government and Public Service - Managing Public Organizations - Political Institutions and Governance - Public Human Resource Management - Public Organization Theory - Qualitative Methods
- History of Global Political Economy - History of International Relations - International Law - International Political Economy - International Security in a Digitized World - Political Theory - Qualitative Methods - Refugees, Migrants, and Human Security
Student Profile
Makisi, Taniela Taulanga (Tonga)
Principal Human Resource Officer, HRM Division, Public Service Commission - Tonga The program has two concentrations, International Affairs and Public Policy. Both programs have their own advantages, especially for civil servants. It will not only enhance your existing knowledge and skills, but it will transform you personally and professionally with the guidance of incredible and experienced professors. Employee perceptions towards the implementation of the Classification of Positions Framework within the Tonga Public Service Leadership in the Public Sector (Prof. Jiwon Jung) As future leaders, this course will elevate your leadership style and skills to make a difference in managing public organizations and be able to apply a public service perspective in policy debates and policy issues. Upon completion of studies, I will return to my post at the Public Service Commission - Tonga.
Program Feature
Research Topic
Recommended Course
International Public Policy Program
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