Physioworks. Is Back Pain Slowing You Down?



Aplicar algunas medidas de prevención evita muchos problemas a largo plazo. Si desea evitar dolores de espalda en el futuro, debe asegurarse de tratar bien a su espalda. • LEVANTE LOS OBJETOS DE MODO ADECUADO. Si usted levanta cosas constantemente, incluso cuando levante algo del modo correcto, asegúrese de estar de frente al objeto. Haga una cuclilla para alcanzar el objeto, manteniendo recta la columna vertebral. Levante con la fuerza de las piernas, ya que esto reducirá la presión ejercida sobre su columna vertebral. • MANTENGA UNA BUENA POSTURA. Cuando esté de pie, imagine que hay una cuerda atada a la parte superior de su cabeza y que lo levanta. Esto mantendrá sus caderas, su columna vertebral, sus hombros y su cuello alineados. No se encorve cuando esté sentado. • HAGA ENTRENAMIENTO DE FUERZA. Su cuerpo contiene cientos de músculos. Estos músculos protegen y controlan su columna vertebral. Al levantar pesas, correr y nadar, puede mantenerlos fuertes. Entrene sus músculos centrales. De esa manera, controlará con facilidad movimientos de levantamiento rápidos. Nunca está de más visitar a un fisioterapeuta. Pase por chequeos regulares y asegúrese de que su cuerpo esté en buena forma. Si tiene antecedentes de dolor, molestias o lesiones en la espalda, no dude en ver a un profesional. Usted se merece una vida sin dolor y su espalda se lo va a agradecer. DO YOU KNOW ABOUT OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY? Occupational therapy focuses on rehabilitation and the “relearning” of daily activities. Its purpose is to make daily life easier by participating in treatments and exercises. Occupational therapy tends to focus more closely on hand, elbow, and wrist pain relief. Some common conditions we treat with OT, through our specialized hand therapy services, include: • Carpal tunnel syndrome • Arthritis • Burns • Nerve injuries • Fractures • Tendinitis • Chronic conditions • Stroke Call 253.850.9780 to schedule your consultation with your physical therapist at Physioworks today!

A little prevention goes a long way. If you want to avoid future back pain, you can make sure you’re being good to your back. • LIFT PROPERLY You pick things up constantly. Even if you’re lifting something light, make sure you’re facing the object. Squat, keeping your abs on and back straight. Lift with your leg muscles and gluteals, as this will reduce the pressure placed on your spine. • USE GOOD POSTURE When you are standing, stand with heels and toes on the ground. Feel the ground through your whole foot, soft knees and abdominals on. • USE STRENGTH TRAINING Your body has hundreds of muscles. These muscles protect and control your spine. By lifting weights, running and swimming, you can keep them strong. Train your core muscles. In doing so, you’ll easily control quick, lifting movements. It never hurts to visit a physical therapist, either. Get regular check- ups, and make sure your body is in good condition. If you have a history of back injuries, pain or minor aches, don’t hesitate to talk to a professional. You deserve a pain-free life, and your back will thank you! Call your physical therapists at PhysioWorks to start your success story and schedule your consultation today!

EXERCISE ESSENTIALS Perform This Exercise To Relieve Back Pain In Minutes!

SUPPORTED BRIDGE Lie on your back with knees bent and feet hip distance apart. Place your feet close enoughsotheycanbetouched by your fingertips. Inhale and liftthehips,placeablockunder the sacrum. Keep the chest open. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 10 times.


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