Veterans Prostate Cancer 101 Brochure

DIAGNOSING PROSTATE CANCER If cancer is suspected as a result of a PSA test, DRE, or other factors, a biopsy will most likely be performed. A prostate biopsy is the removal of samples of tissue from your prostate with a needle and the help of ultrasound. Exciting research shows that using both MRI and ultrasound can help doctors pinpoint aggressive prostate tumors.

Prostate Cancer Early Detection: Age Recommendations and PSA Levels Chart

Discuss risk and benefits of prostate cancer screening with your doctor

Age 40-75 •Black/African American individuals • Those with a family history of cancer and/or known genetic mutation that increases the risk for prostate cancer

Have a baseline PSA and strongly consider a baseline DRE

If PSA less than 1 ng/mL and DRE normal (if done), repeat testing every 2 – 4 years

If PSA 1 - 3 ng/mL and DRE normal (if done), re- peat testing every 1 – 2 years

Age 45-75 •Average-risk individuals

If PSA greater than 3 ng/mL and/or a very suspicious DRE, talk with your doctor about fur- ther testing and follow-up

Talk with your doctor about if prostate cancer screening should continue

Age 75+

GENOMIC TESTING Genomic testing is done on cancerous tissue taken from the prostate in order to provide information about how your prostate cancer might behave. It can be performed on both biopsy tissue and on tissue from an entire prostate following a prostatectomy. Genomic testing is useful for helping prostate cancer patients and their doctors decide on a treatment, so these tests are most helpful for those who are newly diagnosed with prostate cancer that is still confined to the prostate. However, men who have had surgery and want to understand their risk of recurrence may also find this information helpful. By looking at the genetic makeup of the prostate cancer, genomic tests may help predict whether a person’s prostate cancer will grow slowly or aggressively.

If PSA less than 4 ng/mL and DRE normal (if done), repeat testing in select patients every 1 – 4 years If PSA greater than 4 ng/mL or a very suspicious DRE, talk with your doctor about further testing and follow-up

Based on National Comprehensive Cancer Network ® Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines ® ) for Prostate Cancer Early Detection 2022 IF YOU HAVE PROSTATE CANCER THERE ARE RESOURCES TO HELP YOU FIGHT IT.





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