Veterans Prostate Cancer Guide

CLINICAL TRIALS A clinical trial is an investigation of an experimental treatment to see if it is safe to use and effective in fighting a disease, such as prostate cancer.


New drugs & diagnostic techniques

New combinations of treatments

New approaches to surgery or radiation therapy

New methods such as gene therapy

All clinical trials vary depending on the objective of the test. However, placebos are almost never used in cancer treatment trials.

Clinical trials follow strict guidelines and are highly controlled and regulated to provide the best protection to participants. A clinical trial consists of at least two groups, depending upon the study protocol. A study protocol is a plan that describes the schedule of tests, procedures, medications and dosages, and the length of the study. One group of patients will receive the experimental drug or treatment and the other group of patients will receive either the standard of care or a placebo which has no therapeutic value. However, placebos alone are almost never used in cancer treatment trials. Clinical trials are highly controlled and regulated. They are typically sponsored by pharmaceutical or biotech companies, the federal government, medical institutions, or private foundations. All treatments used today for prostate cancer are available because of past clinical trials and thanks to past clinical trial participants.



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