WHY ARE VETERANS AT HIGHER RISK? Those exposed to toxic chemicals and herbicides while in the military are at a higher risk for developing prostate cancer. Exposures such as Agent Orange, burn
pits, and PFAS and PFOA chemicals have all been shown to increase the risk of cancer, including prostate cancer. There may be other
service-connected factors that increase the risk of prostate cancer, including factors affecting those who serve in military aviation. However, these factors are not yet well understood. It is because of this higher risk of prostate cancer that every Veteran needs to be aware of the risks and treatment options, whether it be through the Veterans Health Administration, the Community Care Network, or a separate treatment facility.
16,000 of these patients have metastatic prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis among U.S. Veterans. Prostate cancer rates in the military are double those of the general population. Nearly 489,000 prostate cancer patients are in the VA healthcare system. Learn more at zerocancer.org/veterans VETERANS AND PROSTATE CANCER BYTHE NUMBERS
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