Table of Contents
REGULARS 4 Editor's Letter
A healthy and flourishing tourism industry is crucial to our area’s financial well-being. Therefore, Drakenstein Municipality will use every resource available to rebuild this industry after the devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. 26 Meet Your Councillors In this edition, we introduce Ward 32’s Sangolomzi Ganandana and Ward 18’s Elizabeth Baron. ALL ABOUT SERVICE DELIVERY 6 Marketing a Place where Tourists can ‘Embrace Vintage in the Heart of the Cape Winelands’ Cheryl Philips, Senior Manager: Economic Development and Tourism at Drakenstein Municipality, talks Vars through the steps of positioning Drakenstein as a tourism hub. 10 Drakenstein Munisipaliteit Vat Hande met Paarl Trails Vars en raadslid Laurichia van Niekerk, Burgemeesterskomiteelid vir Beplanning en Ontwikkeling by Drakenstein Munisipaliteit, besoek Paarl Trails se Darren Herbst om te gesels oor sport- en avontuurtoerisme. 16 Munisipale Swembaddens Bring Lafenis Wanneer die Kwik Styg Yvette Tsolo, Bestuurder vir Sport en Ontspanning by Drakenstein Munisipaliteit, en kollegas is druk besig om te sorg dat alles slaggereed is vir die Munisipaliteit se swemseisoen.
VARS | September
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