
ISP Isar Sales Partner GmbH · Seite 68 · Herbst 2024

ISP Isar Sales Partner GmbH · Seite 69 · Reise übergeordnet gesamt





 Hardcover

Das große Buch der Astronomie Der ultimative Atlas der Planeten, Monde, Sterne und fernen Galaxien Hardcover · 432 Seiten · WG 1359 Format 26,3 x 35,5 cm

über 1,43 Millionen Kontakte

ISBN 978-3-98701-061-3 € [D] 68,00 · € [A] 70,00 ET 04.10.2024


Die Faszination des Sternenhimmels

Über 200 Karten und Grafiken zu den unzähligen Monden und Planeten Mehr als 350 Fotografien, aufgenommen von der Erde und aus dem Weltraum Tabellen und Hinweise zu allen Sternbildern, die von der nördlichen und südlichen Hemisphäre aus sichtbar sind

Für alle, die zu den Sternen aufschauen und mehr wissen wollen, bietet dieser reich illustrierte Atlas alles, was sie brauchen. Von den Grundlagen der Weltraumwissenschaft und Karten aller Planeten unseres Sonnensystems bis hin zu Himmelskarten fļr alle vier Lahreszeiten und alle Sternbilder ist ȺDas groije uch der stronomieȹ von Uational Geographic das ultimative Werk, um den Nachthimmel zu erleben und zu kennen. Erliegen auch Sie der Faszination des Sternenhimmels.

Unser neues Auge im All – Das James-Webb-Weltraumteleskop

€ [D] 49,99 · € [A] 51,40 ISBN 978-3-86690-747-8



Telescopes on land and in space give us this composite image of the Ring Nebula (M57) and the turbulent space around it.


Visible: Northern emisphere

Best Seen: ummer

Main Stars: 5

Brightest Star: egaė œ.œŖ mag.

Deep-Sky Objects: M5řė M57

A ccording to Greek mythology, Lyra rep- resents a tiny lyre, or harp, belonging to Orpheus, the gied music maker capa- ble of taming wild beasts and charming Olympian gods. Resembling a small equilateral tri- angle latched onto a parallelogram, Lyra is one of the smaller yet more easily recognized classical stel- lar patterns in the sky. It appears wedged between two prominent constellations, Cygnus and Hercu- les. But what makes it particularly easy to spot is its brilliant star Vega, part of the famous Summer Tri- angle asterism. Vega forms one of the corners, with Deneb and Altair the others, making this giant tri- angle a handy reference point to three separate con- stellations in the summer. One of the brightest stars visible across the Northern Hemisphere, Vega is the h brightest star in the sky and is relatively nearby at only 25 light-years away. ree times the size of our own sun and producing 50 times as much light, blue-white Vega may be young and newly formed, only about 400 million years old.


Unsere Galaxis

n appealing tale of the star ega comes from hinese loreė dating bac‹ to the hou d™nast™ in the si˜th centur™ B . C . Telling of a romantic relationship bet—een the beautiful daughter of the sun godİthe —eaving princess (ega)İand a poor herdsĮ man (ltair)ė one version of the stor™ sa™s that the t—o starstruc‹ lovers neglected their heavenl™ duties. s punishment the™ —ere condemned to remain on opposite sides of the great celestial river in the s‹™ (the Mil‹™ a™)ė never to cross.

€ [D] 49,99 · € [A] 51,40 ISBN 978-3-86690-727-0


ose with keen eyesight will notice that a star near Vega is actually an eye-catching pair of stars known as Epsilon Lyrae. Orbiting each other around their common center of gravity, they lie 175 light- years from Earth. Seen through a small telescope, these celestial twins will surprisingly reveal that both stars are themselves double, forming a spec- tacular quadruple star system known popularly as the Double Double. Lyra lies on the edge of the Milky Way band and so is rich with deep-sky treasures. e Ring Neb- ula, or M57, is 2,300 light-years away and visible with at least an 80-mm (3-in) aperture telescope, appearing as a faint doughnut-shaped cloud. is famous planetary nebula is formed by gas emitted by a dying star. e nebula looks circular from our perspective, but scientists have concluded that it is actually cylindrical. Large backyard scopes may reveal a faint star, a white dwarf, in the center of this celestial smoke ring. M56 is an eighth-magnitude globular cluster lying halfway between Gamma Lyrae and Albireo in Cygnus. Considered one of the fainter Messier glob- ulars, it is 33,000 light-years distant and so small that telescopes will reveal it only as a fairly bright, unresolved fuzzy ball.

€ [D] 49,99 · € [A] 51,40 ISBN 978-3-86690-685-3 Moonshots

lobular cluster M5ř


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