Biola Broadcaster - 1963-04


Panel Discussions

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(Interesting questions sent in by radio listeners)

Q. Kent, Washington — “The question was brought up, What is the only un­ forgivable sin? The answer given was refection of Jesus Christ. The thing that puzzles me is the answer I have always prepared in my mind. I thought it was the act of suicide. A. The only unpardonable or unfor­ givable sin is the rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is spoken of as blas­ phemy against the Holy Ghost. There are those who have committed suicide when they have lost their reasonings. Q. Spokane, Washington — “Why don’t Biola students go to movies” A. This is a very tender subject in the minds of many people. People some­ times-do not understand our position here at Biola in connection with the moving picture industry. There are several reasons why we do not, nor do we allow our students to go to the movies. The majority of Hollywood personalities have little time or in­ terest in the things of the Lord. How can one make a profession for Christ while attending the movies? As Chris­ tians, if we talk about purity of life, mind, heart and body, it is inconsistent to go to the movies where people find fleshly gratification. We believe that basically the commercial moving pic­ ture industry is based upon the sensual and physical. (It is true in their ad­ vertising as well.) Some years ago, when the first picture of the Ten Com­ mandments was produced, they tried to make a decent film out of it. As a result it was a financial flop at the box office. They added some sex thrills in connection with the breaking of the commandments. Then the Ten Com­ mandments paid off. For the sake of a dollar the moving picture producers

are willing to sell their souls, and the souls of countless thousands of young people. If we go to the moving picture theatre, we are supporting, by our money, that sort of a life. Not only this, it is also a waste of time for such amusements. Films do not cause one to grow spiritually, Q. Pueblo, Colorado — “Did God create Adam perfect?" A. Yes. The Scripture indicates that Adam was the product of God’s direct activity. There were no intermediates and God needed no other help. Adam was made in the likeness of God. There was no flaw in God’s work. Adam fell afterwards because of sin, indicated in the third chapter of Genesis. Q. Vista, California — “When and by whom was the Apostle’s Creed first written?” A. It was certainly never drafted nor promulgated by the apostles. It seems to have come immediately after the apolostic age, perhaps in the second or third century. We do not know who drew it up. It is good as far as it goes but it has left out great areas of truth. For instance, it has very little con­ cerning the coming of the Lord. There is nothing in it concerning the inspira­ tion of the Scriptures. It has very little to say about the Trinity. It is not in­ spired as is the Bible. Q, Boise, Idaho — “I have heard many explanations of Luke 16:9, but I won­ der if you would give me yours?” A. This is the parable of the unjust steward who realized he was going to be put out of his place and so he wanted to make friends. To those who

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