Biola Broadcaster - 1963-04

Their color or shape isn’t always at­ tractive. There may be Christians who appear to be rough, heartless and cold. Maybe you’re one of them; folks think you don’t care. If approached in the right way the heart will be found to be warm, soft and sweet. Let us not judge by the outward ap­ pearance but rather by the heart in­ side. Most nuts are gathered in the au­ tumn aifter the blighting frost, after the cold of winter, after the leaves begin to fall and the shadows length­ en. This is the ordinary way of God in life. He usually gathers His own in the autumn time. The hair has been touched by the snows of winter; the shadows have lengthened across the pathway of life. Then the Lord takes home his child. How blessed this ingathering and harvest by the Hus­ bandman. MOVING COSTS EVERYONE

Nuts (Continued) That was way back December 21, 1896. Since then I have had the privi­ lege of helping others to see the Sav­ iour and to make known the love of God in their hearts. You see, the Lord plants us where He sees we can do the most good and where we can produce the best crop. Every Chris­ tian has the power and the privilege of making known the story of redeem­ ing love so that others will believe and be brought into life, light and liberty. A Christian who does not re­ produce himself in others surely has failed God’s plan neglecting the op­ portunity given by the Lord. Nuts are also durable standing the storms and weathering the gale. They are not easily injured by adverse con­ ditions, although constantly exposed to the elements. These only make them rich with nutrition, sweet and tasty for their owner. So, too, the believer is exposed to the elements of life. Storms of adversity may whip him around. Gales of trouble may buffet him sorely. But he flourishes under the storms to which he is subject while on the tree of life. Only God can make a nut. The great cocoanut and the little filbert alike are the product of God’s hand. A nut is a miracle. No one knows how the tree can draw from the soil certain elements that are transformed into a nut. Christians are a mystery, too. Only God can make a Christian. The power of the Holy Spirit, work­ ing in the human soul through the Word, transforms that individual into a child of God. Nuts must be broken to be of value. It is in the breaking of the nut that the heart is revealed. The nut loses itself that it may be a blessing to others. So God’s children find this to be true. He who saves himself, cannot save others. The nut must be taken from the tree and crushed to bring happiness to the hearts of the hungry. Some nuts are very unattractive to the eye. There seems to be nothing that would please those who have them.

If you have just moved, or are planning to do so, you know all that is involved. But did you realize that your move can also cost the Lord's work? If you have moved and have not as yet informed us, from now on it will cost Biola 8 cents (rather than 4) in order to have the post office give us the in­ formation concerning your new Sddress. If you use a post card, or the forms provided by the post office, this will mean a sub­ stantial savings for the work of the Lord. With a quarter of the population moving every year, according to statistics, you can well imagine what this will ulti­ mately mean for Biola. Thank you for your prayer­ ful help in this, as well as in our other ministries for the Lord Jesus Christ.


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