Biola Broadcaster - 1963-04


by Walter L. W ilson Six in the Bible is the number repre­ senting man’s consummation. S ix days were given Israel in which to finish her work. There were six steps to Solomon’s throne. There are seven red stripes indicat­ ing to us that there is enough power in the blood for every kind of sin­ ner. The red stripes are as long as the white stripes. The blood of Christ cleanses hll the way from the cradle to the grave. Be sure that you are trusting in that precious blood of Christ. The flag is enclosed in red and we too must be wholly sheltered under the blood if we would be saved from the coming wrath of God. Under this flag many kinds of peo­ ple become amalgamated in the great melting pot -of United States. They become brothers in citizenship. Our government will preserve both the property and the persons of those who belong to our commonwealth. This wonderful flag should be displayed by those who own it. We should be glad to confess our citizenship under it. The Christian is also called upon to confess that God is his Father, Christ Jesus his Lord and Saviours the Holy Spirit his Guide, and the Bible his authority. Let us openly and constant­ ly confess that our citizenship in this world, under the sovereignity of Sa­ tan, has ceased. Now we are march­ ing under the banner of the cross. Everytime you see our flag, ask your­ self, “Do I belong to the Lord?” Let me urge you, beloved, to make Christ Jesus your own personal Saviour to­ day. Then you, too, will have liberty, joy and power in- your life, as well as fruitfulness and usefulness. 29

H ave you ever thought how our American flag is a wonderful emblem of the Gospel. This beautiful flag is composed of three colors. This reminds us that there is one God and three blessed persons in the Godhead. Each are separate from the other, and yet are never separated from each other. Then, there are two parts to the flag: the field of stars and the area where stripes appear. There are also the parts in our life, the heaven of blue where the righteous servants of God shall shine as the stars, and on earth the stripes of sorrow and pain that accompany every life. The colors in the flag tell a tragic story. There is the red of anarchy, the white of surrender, and the blue of nobility. There are four sides to the flag and we as redeemed will dwell in that city foursquare. To enter that city we must be washed white in the red blood of the One who is now on the throne beyond the blue of heaven. Five points appear on each star. One of these points upward, two of them outward and two point down­ ward. We must be right with* God be­ fore we can be right with our fellow- men and so our walk will be Godly and good. Five is the number of weak­ nesses in the Bible. Five fingers indi­ cate that our hands are weak from many kinds of industry. Five toes re­ mind us that our walk is not always what we wish it were. Five senses in­ dicate our need of more perception, knowledge and better understanding. We shall never shine as stars unless we are made into God’s stars by His grace, through trusting the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. Then there are six white stripes.

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