Biola Broadcaster - 1963-04






■ a t t B ü H M i

by Dr. Walter L. Wilson

I N riding ACROSS the country in southern Kansas one time I was impressed with the peculiar appear­ ance of the telephone poles along each side of the way. Some were long, some were short. Some were crooked, some .were straight. Some were quite large, others were little saplings. Some seemed to have been manufactured by man, others were obviously the na-

tural growth out of the woods. F irst of all the telephone pole is dead. While it was a living tree in the f o r e st it was not in t h e service of man; it lived for itself. A tree must die to be of use. A sin­ ner, living his own natural life in the world, is not much service to the Lord. If he is living at Calvary, he will die with Christ to become a liv­ ing servant fit to carry His messages. Telephone poles carry messages while they may not understand them. Their only purpose is to hold the line through which the message is being taken to its destination. Any kind of a pole can do this. The message is not dependent upon the character of the holder but only upon the serv­ ice which it renders. So the believer is to carry God’s message from heav­ en to the hearts of men. We cannot always understand what our Lord has said. God’s ways are past finding out. Any believer may be a messenger to carry the precious Word of God from the heart of the Lord to the hearts of men. Ask your heart, “Am I carry­ ing any message from God to me? Am I helping folks in any way? What am I doing for my Lord?” The natural growth pole serves the purpose just as well as the beautiful, straight, well-equipped pole. All that (Continued on next page) 5


Dr. Waiter L. Wilson beloved Bible teacher of Kansas City.

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