
16B — August 12 - 25, 2016 — New Jersey — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


Since 1992, the Morris County Economic Development  Corpora�on’s (MCEDC) mission has been to expand,  a�ract, and retain businesses in Morris County.   The  MCEDC is a partnership between business and  government, achieving its mission with the support of the  MCEDC Board of Directors, our seventy (70) member  organiza�ons, and the Board of Chosen Freeholders.  The  MCEDC provides support to businesses and municipali�es  through business outreach ini�a�ves and market prole  analysis.    Le�er from the Execu�ve Director 


CHAIRMAN  Joseph Toscano , CP Professional Services 

BOARD MEMBERS  Freeholder Director Kathy DeFillippo ,  County of Morris  John Bonanni , County of Morris  Paul Boudreau , Morris County Chamber of  Commerce  Senator Anthony Bucco , 25th Legisla�ve  District  Deena Leary , Morris County Dept. of  Planning & Development   Anthony Abrantes, Northeast Regional  Council of Carpenters  ‐ Local 254  Mark Bocchieri, Verizon   Bill Brown , Cushman & Wakeeld  John Ciaffone , TransOp�ons  Karen Escobedo , New Jersey Natural Gas  Michael Fabrizio, Morristown Business  Partnership  William Fredrick , Wadley‐Donovan  GrowthTech LLC  Jeffrey Halverstadt , Atlan�c Stewardship  Bank  Josh Levering, NAI James E. Hanson   Robert Lipka , County College of Morris   Thomas Malman , Day Pitney  Nicholas Minoia,   Diversied Realty  Advisors, LLC Sean Monaghan , Schenck, Price, Smith, &  King, LLP  Mwaura Muroki , Valley Na�onal Bank  Doug Myers , JCP&L/FirstEnergy Corp.  Stanley Omland , Omland Engineering  Associates  John Oroho, Porzio, Bromberg & Newman  Robert Peluso , Parsippany Area Chamber  of Commerce  Thomas Phelan, VHB  Maria Sheridan , DM Airports LTD.   Jean Snopkowski, Solix, Inc.   George Sous , PSEG Services Corpora�on   Howard Weinberg , Jones Lang LaSalle   Dennis Wilson , Delta Dental of New Jersey  

The MCEDC offers educa�onal seminars, access to resources including capital through our  partners, and networking opportuni�es for members and businesses within the County.   Members also have the opportunity to partake in industry‐focused subcommi�ees that  work jointly to resolve local issues that revolve around their areas of exper�se. The  MCEDC also creates reports that detail changes in the local economy such as  demographics, consumer expenditures, and industry trends to market the County as a  desirable place to locate and grow a business.    If you are interested in ge�ng involved with any of our programs or in suppor�ng us as a  new member, please contact me at mhunscher@morriscountyedc.org or call (973) 539‐ 8270.  Thank you! 


Meghan Hunscher  Execu�ve Director, MCEDC

Upcoming MCEDC Events  9/21—Morris County Business Growth Forum with Keynote speaker Tim Lizura, Chief Execu�ve  Officer of the NJEDA. 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.   11/9—Networking at the Mountain Lakes Club, 5—7 p.m. 

Member Benets   Par�cipa�on on a fee‐based Expert Services Task Force   Networking opportuni�es    Access to local, county and state officials   Organiza�onal exposure   Sponsorship opportuni�es   Regular educa�on programs on topics of interest  The Morris County Economic Development Corpora�on  325 Columbia Turnpike Suite 101, Florham Park, NJ 07932   www.morriscountyedc.org 

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