2023 Pohlad Companies Annual DEI Report

All In on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion As we begin to transition to the next generation, I want to reaffirm our commitment to fostering a culture of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) within our organization. Our continued conversations confirm that supporting DEI is a business imperative and the right thing to do. We embrace these values and actively champion them in all aspects of our work.

We value diverse life experiences and what they bring to our organizations and work to reflect these values within our culture. Most importantly, we want to ensure that our commitment is more than words – we need to put it into action.

We commit to building on our efforts from 2023 and previous years by expanding our all-employee DEI speaker series, which invites experts to share their knowledge and resources to raise awareness and foster understanding within our teams. We commit to continued open dialogue through our newly launched employee resource groups, employee coffee talks, and by gathering feedback from our Employee Pulse survey. This ensures that our employees have a voice and the opportunity to influence our actions. We strive to recognize and address inequities in our policies and programs and to be inclusive in all we do.

Everyone in our organization is encouraged to participate and work together to build a more inclusive workplace. Progress requires a shared responsibility: Board of Directors, Executive Team, Business Leaders, and every employee.

Tom Pohlad Executive Chair

I am proud to stand behind my family’s commitment to DEI work at Pohlad Companies and in our broader community. Whether it be a life-changing trip to the Legacy Museum and National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery or smaller day to day initiatives, I am reminded that we have taken so many important steps, yet we have so much work left to do. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are the foundations we must build our futures on, and the goals we must work towards unapologetically and uncompromisingly. Participating in this work, observing it, and hearing feedback on it all invigorates me. I care deeply about the commitments we have made to each Pohlad Companies employee, and I believe everyone else in my family would say the same. Thank you all for your contributions to this mission.

Allie Pohlad Board Member, Pohlad Family Foundation


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