2023 Pohlad Companies Annual DEI Report

We are ALL IN. We are committed to the full experience of belonging and success for all employees while making a purposeful impact within our community. Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Promise

We will recognize the uniqueness of all employees, and value how a diverse team’s perspectives and experience s will help our organization. We will grow and evolve our culture in ways that give all employees a sense of belonging, engagement and opportunity. We will listen, learn and engage with partners in the wider community, to push meaningful change beyond the walls of our organization. These are priorities for us in thought, decision and action because we believe that when talent and innovation thrive, we all will prosper – our employees, our businesses and our communities. Definitions Diversity: Is defined as the presence of differences in a group. It’s what makes us unique individuals. Diversity comes in many dimensions both primary (what is seen or experienced) and secondary (what you can’t see or is unknown). As an organization we strive to understand, respect, and value differences . Equity: While equality is about treating everyone the same, equity is more about realizing that people aren’t always on equal footing to start . To ensure equitable treatment within our organization one of our first steps was to review policies and processes and adjust so that everyone has the same opportunity to succeed. Inclusion: Is about the feeling of belonging . As an organization, we are committed to the full engagement and experience of all our employees— ensuring everyone feels welcome, respected, and valued.

Our Values The Pohlad Companies are comprised of diverse businesses, united by a proud legacy, creating value and opportunities for our employees, customers, communities and the family.

Integrity: Ethical standards are never compromised. We do things the right way.

Respect: We value each other’s experiences, differences, perspectives and talents. We are open ; we listen; we always treat others with fairness and professionalism. Performance: We set and achieve measurable, meaningful objectives. We compete aggressively, always striving to be the best. Relationships: Our success depends on strong long-term relationships with our customers and communities.

Teamwork: We work together. We achieve more.

Involvement: We make a difference through our interest, participation and contributions to our communities.

Clarity: How we communicate is important. We are concise and transparent to ensure understanding and mutual commitment.

Accountability: We take responsibility. We do what we say we will do.


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