PCSBV 2021 November Newsletter (8.5 x 11 in)

2021 Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference

Grief Circles

A team-based debriefing intervention to support workers serving structurally vulnerable patients receiving palliative care | Serious Illness Conversations with Structurally Vulnerable Patients: A comprehensive guide & teaching tool

The Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association presented the 2021 Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference, from October 21-22, 2021. This conference provided doctors, nurses, pharmacists, hospice palliative care and other allied healthcare professionals; and caregivers, volunteers, spiritual advisers, and social workers with the opportunity to share their experience and expertise on a national platform.

Remember (who we cared for and who we loved),

Reflect (how were you impacted by the person you cared for, how do you feel about them, how did you feel when you learned they died) Recover (how do we recover from the difficulties we face, the dual concerns of broader impact on our work and the individual situations we need to recover from in loss, how do you recover from the situations where people are a challenge and the difficult experiences with clients) Reinvest (how can we be inspired to dive back into our work from the relationships we have built and those who inspire us, what is your sell- care plan to help reinvest in yourself to be able to reinvest in the work)

The 2021 conference topics included:

It’s Our Duty to Care – The Role of Palliative Care Practitioners in Marginalized Communities Addressing the palliative care needs of those who identify as Two-Spirit and LGBTQ+ Care Connections – Visualizing your support network and fostering conversations Grief Circles: a team-based debriefing intervention to support workers serving structurally vulnerable patients receiving palliative care Learnings from 1000 deaths: Seven skills to be hopeful and prepared when facing serious illness

PEACH – Palliative Education and Care for the Homeless

Songwriter & Music Therapist in Nova Scotia

If you are interested in further information let us know. Email events@pcsbv.ca and we can help.

Sarah McInnis, presenter in this year's conference for The Legacy Song Project. You can follow the link to listen to some examples of the original songs she writes for people at the end-of-life and folks who have lost loved ones, and to hear a bit about the project.

Reading Resource https://cup.columbia.edu/book/lgbtq-inclusive-hospice-and- palliative-care/9781939594143

LISTEN: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=Qvqe7bNZds0

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