Lefrik Transparency Report 2023

Jane Goodall Institute

One of the most well-known animal resear- chers, Dr. Jane Goodall, has been wor- king for decades to protect chimpanzees and inspire people to conserve the natural world we all share, by improving the lives of people, animals and the environment. As in previous years, Lefrik continues to support J.G. Institute by donating backpacks to their team so that they can be used during their expeditions and be an useful accessory for their daily tasks. In addition to this, in 2023 we joined their Chimp Guardian Programme with a monetary donation to sponsor Anzac, a chimpanzee that was rescued by the Tchimpounga Recovery Centre and Nature Reserve after her mo- ther was attacked by poachers. Part of this donation was also destinated to J.G. Insti- tute’s programme for forest replanting in Dindéfelo, Senegal, a chimpanzee habitat.

Plastic Oceans Europe

Arbor Day Foundation

This charitable organization is dedicated to raising awareness of the issue of plastic pollution and providing solutions to the pro- blem. They do this by developing programs in education, activism, advocacy and scien- ce that inspire changes in consumer beha- viours, business practices and public policy. Since Lefrik also wants to be part, not only of the solutions, but also in the prevention and reduction of mass plastic consumption, this year we organiseda n event open to pu- blic in Madrid to talk about plastic pollution and discuss about ways to foster more sus- tainable communities. As part of our colla- boration, we also make product donations to Plastic Oceans Europe for their activities and events.

This is the world’s largest member nonpro- fit organisation dedicated to planting trees with the aim of safeguarding the health of our climate, our communities, and the bio- diversity of the planet.Their different tree recovery programs are carried across the United States, but also internationally. The programs are focused on forests and nei- ghborhoods of greatest need, like those who have lost trees in major catastrophes caused by forest fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and insects.This is our other partner in the USA, to whom we dona- te backpacks returned by our customers so that they can have a second life and be used by the team and the organization for their activities.


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