M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — Owners, Developers & Managers — November 18 - December 22, 2022 — 5C
O wners , D evelopers & M anagers Environmental unit of the housing partnership awarded grants Wells Fargo awards HP Sustainability Solutions two grants totaling $750,000
determine California Green Bank opportunities, and to identify successful sustain- ability finance sources in other states,” said Esther Toporovsky , president of HP Sustainability Solutions and executive vice president of the Housing Partnership. “California has made a big commitment to sustainability and climate justice in our com- munities, and housing con - tinues to be a major priority to implement this vision and to meet the State's ambitious climate goals. We are excited to partner with HP Sustain - ability Solutions, Wells Fargo
and other California stake - holders to ensure that low and medium-income house - holds also reap the benefits of these new investments,” said Natalie Donlin-Zappella , principal and legislative direc- tor at LeSar Development Consultants . A second Wells Fargo grant of $310,275 enables HP Sus - tainability Solutions to create a Carbon Offset Fund for Af - fordable Housing. “This grant from Wells Fargo gives us the opportunity to research the structuring of a carbon offset market for mul - tifamily affordable housing in
three key markets–New York, California and Washington, DC--with the goal of creating a new funding stream for invest- ment in carbon reduction and lowering the costs of carbon mitigation in low-income com- munities,” said Ms. Toporovsky. “Our team at HP Sustain - ability Solutions is uniquely positioned to analyze renew - able energy, carbon reduction and the financing needed to design effective environmen- tal programs for low income communities,” said Jamie A. Smarr , president and CEO of the NYC Housing Partnership. For four decades the non -
profit NYC Housing Partner - ship has led relationships among private sector develop- ers and financial institutions and City, State and Federal agencies that created and pre - served more than 70,000 low and moderate-income hous - ing units in the five boroughs, leveraging over $7 billion in private financing and utilized more than $500 million in subsidies for affordable hous - ing. This stimulates economic activity that strengthens the social fabric of neighborhoods where people can now live in safe, comfortable, affordable homes. MAREJ
EW YORK, NY — HP Sustainability Solutions has been
awarded two grants by Wells Far- go totaling $750,000. HP Sus - t a i nab i l - ity Solutions (HPSS) was founded in
Esther Toporovsky
2020 by the non-profit NYC Housing Partnership to work with developers and owners of affordable residential prop - erties, architects, engineers and government agencies to develop and implement strate- gies and initiatives for improv- ing clean energy adoption and building performance while reducing carbon emissions. HP Sustainability Solutions received a grant of $481,000 from Wells Fargo to work in partnership with LeSar De- velopment Consultants to determine the best structure for a Green Bank in California to help achieve residential carbon reduction goals. “This grant allows HPSS and LeSar to assess the land - scape of sustainability fi - nancing in California and Cushman & Wakefield | Thalhimer inks VA mixed-use property sale
8-10 First St. SW
CHRISTIANSBURG, VA — Cushman & Wakefield | Thalhimer’s Capital Mar- kets Group announced the sale of 8-10 First St. SW in Christiansburg. Encore 4, LLP acquired the property for $1.08 mil - lion on October 6, 2022 for investment purposes. Clay Taylor, CCIM of Cushman & Wakefield | Thalhimer’s Capital Markets Group out of Roanoke handled negotia - tions on behalf of the seller. The property consists of two buildings with eleven apartments as well as a 2,850 square foot commercial space that was fully leased at the time of sale. MAREJ
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