


The Hawkesbury facility will be the first addition to Manthas’ Québec-based distillery operation and represents an investment for the company of between $20 million and $25 million. The plan is to have the Phase One dis- tillery operation producing the company’s primary lineup of gin, whiskey, and vodka. The follow-up phases will see construction of seven buildings linked with the main distillery to produce the complete lineup of all current AiR spirits and liqueurs. The ultimate goal of the Hawkesbury distillery is to produce 3 million bottles and 30 million cans of the various liquors and liqueurs as well as 10,000 barrels of whiskey per year. Once the entire project is completed, the distillery could employ from 60 to 75 people. JOUIFNVOJDJQBMQPSUJPOPGUIFQSPQFSUZUBY bill for that house and land which would equal $1066.93. Other residential properties within the township would have higher or lower JODSFBTFTUPUIFJSQSPQFSUZUBYCJMMT depending on their evaluations. Commercial, industrial, agricultural, and other types of QSPQFSUJFTXJMMIBWFEJGGFSFOUUBYFWBMVBUJPOT 5IFBOOVBMQSPQFSUZUBYCJMMJODMVEFTCPUI UIFNVOJDJQBMQPSUJPOBOEUIFQSPQFSUZUBYFT levied by other agencies.

The steel framework is now visible as construction continues on the new dis- tillery project in Hawkesbury. After two years of delays because of the pandemic and getting all the final govern- ment clearances and approvals, groundb- reaking took place last year on the Artiste in Residence distillery project (AiR) on Tupper 4USFFUJO)BXLFTCVSZTJOEVTUSJBMQBSL/PX the girders for the frame of the first building in the eight-phase project are going up to achieve AiR founder and owner Pierre Man- thas’ goal of having his new distillery project ready to start producing his signature line of gin, whiskey, and vodka before the end of this year. $5,144,025, and includes a municipal levy of $2,481,333. The levy represents the QSPQFSUZUBYFTUIFUPXOTIJQNVTUDPMMFDU to cover all operation and capital works FYQFOTFTOPUQBJEGPSUISPVHITFOJPSHPWFSO - ment grants and other revenues. This year’s municipal levy means a 3.5-per DFOUJODSFBTFJOUBYFTDPNQBSFEUPUIF budget’s municipal levy. For the average homeowner with a house and land within the township valued at $209,874, that means a $36.08 increase

La charpente métallique du bâtiment est désormais visible pour la première phase du projet de distillerie Artiste in Residence (AiR) à Hawkesbury. L’objectif est de terminer le bâtiment principal de la distillerie et de le préparer à produire du gin, de la vodka et du whisky avant la fin de l’année. Des ajouts au bâtiment principal de la distillerie seront construits au cours des huit à dix prochaines années. —photo Gregg Chamberlain


East Hawkesbury Township has its budget now for 2023. Township council approved the final draft of the budget during its first session of tne new year January 9. “I’m satisfied,” said Mayor Robert Kirby. i8FUSJFEUPTIBWFJU UBYSBUF BTDMPTFBT we could.” The 2023 municipal budget totals

Le budget 2023 du canton de Hawkesbury Est est approuvé et comprend une augmentation de 3,5 % de l’impôt foncier. —photo d’archives

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