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marbles” by guessing how many marbles are in a jar. The lucky winner will receive a crossword puzzle. Today more than 500,000 Canadians are living with some form of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, a number that is expected to continue to rise as the population ages. While early diagnosis and prevention are key factors in dementia care, knowing some of the signs such as memory loss, challenges with familiar tasks, commu- nication problems and mixing up dates and places may be things to watch for. Each January, the Alzheimer Society of Canada supports and leads Canada’s "M[IFJNFST"XBSFOFTT.POUI%VSJOHUIJT month, the Society encourages individuals to learn more about dementia and its stark impact on Canadians. And while Alzheimer’s "XBSFOFTT.POUINBZTUPQBUUIFFOEPG January, the experiences of people who live with dementia do not. To find out more about Alzheimer’s visit

The Champlain Library makes memory activity kits available to help support family members and caregivers of people living with or at risk of varying stages of cognitive impairment for Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. The kits include selected tools such as prepared activities, games and workbooks that encourage social engagement and support skills and abilities. The kits are available as a result of the Champlain Library being one of the successful recipients of a Community Grant Program. Walmart in Hawkesbury provided $1000 to help streng- then and support the community where their associates live and work. During the month of January, the library will also have a display of books on the sub- ject of Alzheimer’s and steps to help prevent dementia and sharpen the mind. Try out an exercise in the library to “exercise your

La bibliothèque de Champlain met à disposition des kits d’activités de mémoire pour aider les membres de la famille et les soignants de personnes vivant avec ou risquant de vivre différents stades de déficience cognitive, à l’occasion du mois de sensibilisation à la maladie d’Alzheimer. -photo fournie


crisis line is available at 1-866-996-0991 or 24 hours a day 613-722-6914. For more information, please go to programs-services/mental-health-addiction/

The Hawkesbury General Hospital (HGH) is available for general health emergencies and more specified situations, including mental health crises and addiction treatment. The


La PPO a publié une liste de ressources en matière de santé mentale et physique, afin que les résidents sachent où trouver de l’aide pour leurs problèmes. -photo d’archives

L’actualité où que vous soyez... format qui vous convient!


Prescott-Russell Community Services organizes a number of services for resi- dents age 55 and over, including senior social groups, grocery deliveries, safety and wellness check-ins, transportation for errands and medical appointments, personal and home support services, and matching volunteers to non-profits. They can be contac- ted at 1-800-267-0853. Alcoholics Anonymous is a support group for people who find themselves overly reliant on alcohol and want a structured environment to help them quit. They can be contacted at 613-938-1984. /JDPMF5BZMPSBOE1BVM5BZMPS4S BMPDBM family, run a help group for those on the autism spectrum or caregivers for autistic children. They can be contacted at 613-371- 4440 or 450-566-6111. The VALORIS organization is a multi-ser- vice agency for children, teenagers, adults, and their families living in Prescott-Russell. They offer a range of developmental ser- vices and aid programs, including mental health programs, community participation, and help for those in abusive or neglectful environments.

The OPP has released a list of resources that can help residents work through their issues or help them get out of dangerous situations. The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) have noticed a recent increase in mental health- related calls. In response, they are urging people to reach out and ask for help if they are facing difficulties or considering harming themselves. The OPP have released the following list of community partners that are always available to help. Prescott-Russell Victim Services is avai- lable to help anyone trapped in dangerous or distressing domestic situations and can be contacted at 613-632-5282. 5IF$BOBEJBO.FOUBM)FBMUI"TTPDJBUJPO is available to help anyone dealing with negative mental health disorders and can be contacted at 613-938-0435. $FOUSBJEF6OJUFE8BZDPMMFDUTEPOBUJPOT and employs volunteers to help those in financial distress. The Prescott-Russell chapter can be contacted at 613-632-4699. Lisez le journal numérique EAP tous les jeudis Read the EAP digital newspaper every Thursday


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