All uniforms should be purchased from the Uniform Shop upstairs at 10 Gloucester Street. A list of uniform requirements will be sent to all parents.
Sports Gear All Houses have their own colours for athletics and interhouse sports. The Somes uniform consists of a blue singlet with a navy diagonal band across it and black shorts or a blue and navy rugby top. There is no regulation footwear for PE and athletics, but all boys must wear footwear around the school or when running in the park. Sports gear can be purchased from the Uniform Shop.
In the senior school, a different blazer replaces the striped blazer worn by juniors. In all cases, blazers must be worn when on leave from College. Full uniform must be worn when going home after school, unless boys are being collected from directly outside the House. After sport practices, boys may travel home in sports gear or in a tracksuit. Formal Uniform The formal uniform consists of the grey suit and white shirt. It is worn on a Monday and Friday during Terms 2 and 3, and for Sunday Chapel services. Stripes Blazer Uniform This uniform consists of a striped blazer, white shirt, and mid-grey long trousers or black shorts (summer). It is worn on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during Terms 2 and 3 and every day during summer. It is also worn for any sport exchanges.
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