King's business - 1943-04


April 1943

S t a r at (A Pantomime) By HELEN FRAZEE-BOWER

small children. She seats herself up­ on the garden bench and opens her Bible; while they cluster about her.) Reader: The Garden of Eden story as_ told in Genesis 2:8-17 and Genesis 3:l/-8. Music: Group of Primary children singing in t h e distance, “Jesus Loves the Little Chil­ dren.” (Musical setting of this scene may be varied to include several numbers by Primary children if so de­ sired.)

SCENE I. The Garden of Innocence. A garden setting which may be used for the two follow­ ing scenes, with slight varia­ tion. (Preferably a man should read these lines and the introductory lines to the following scenes.) Reader; In the shadow of earth’s cool evening— That day when the world was new— God walked in the garden with Adam, As loving companions do;

But the sweetness of that communion Held nothing of permanence: It vanished the day sin entered The Garden of Innocence. Now scarcely the heart remembers 'The beauty of that far day, Except when the eye envisions The innocent child at play. For lost is the world’s bright Eden, And he, who would be restored, Must come with the faith of childhood 4To walk and talk with the.Lord. (Enter the Mother with a group of

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