King's business - 1943-04

April 1943


Why a City Was Glad A cts 8:4-12, 25

MEMORY VERSE: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mk. 16:15). TO THE TEACHER: If possible, have a large map of Palestine on the wall so that'you can trace Philip’s jour­ ney from Jerusalem to the city of Samaria. APPROACH: Who

R e & u U t

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can tell us what' maps are? Why are t h e y impor­ tant? Today let us t a k e a make-be­ lieve journey from Jerusalem to Sa­ maria. (Trace the journeÿ on t h e map.) Philip really

Division took this journey a long time ago, and today we are going to see what hap­ pened when he got to Samaria. LESSON STORY: Philip went to Sa­ maria to ' preach to the people about the Lord Jesus Christ. A ll of the peo­ ple in the city were glad to hear him and to see the miracles which he did. Unclean spirits carnè out of some peo­ ple, and many sick and lame people were healed. Of course, the whole city was joyful. But there was a man named Simon in the city who whs a sorcerer, or one who practiced witch­ craft. Until Philip went to Samaria, the people had believed in Simon, be­ cause he had deceived them with his màgic. However, when the people be­ lieved the preaching of Philip, and ac­ cepted the Lord Jesus and were bap­ tized, they turned away from Simon and his witchcraft and didn’t believe in him any more. Even Simon, him­ self, believed the new gospel! L a t e r Peter and John also went to Samaria to preach, and on their way back to Jerusalem they stopped in many villages to preach the gospel for the first t i me . There are still places in the world where people have never heard about the Lord Jesus. Let us pray that the Lord will send us as missionaries, just as He sent Philip to Samaria so long ago. OBJECTS: Two books, preferably ob­ solete medical books. (These can be secured from a secondhand book store, or from your local physician. Any other technical books would be sat­ isfactory. One should be larger than the other. With a razor blade, cut out the printing, leaving just a frame of paper on each page. Do this to the large book, leaving the small one un­ cut.) LESSON: Paul, will you help me td- day? If you were ill, and I wanted to give you one of these medical books, which one would you choose? Object Lesson L ooks at B ooks

“ I would take the largest one, as it looks as If it had the-most In it.” You are making the same mistake most people make by looking at the outward appearance. See, the inside of the book is empty. There is not a, Word in it. There is no help for the disease which it claims to cure. Did you know that some who claim to be Christians are much like this empty book? If you watch them on. their way to church, you would think they could tell you of the cure for sin, but when they have an opportunity of tell­ ing others of Christ, they have noth­ ing to say. Let us look at this other book. It is full of suggestions as to the symptoms and cure of the disease. It does all that it claims to do. There are many Christians who are less impressive outwardly than others, but like this little book, they have the answer to the sin question within. This little book reminds me of Pe­ ter and John. Of them we read, “And they, when they had testified and preached the word of the Lord, return­ ed to Jerusalem, and preached the gos­ pel in many villages of the Samari­ tans” (Acts 8:25). They were not like an empty book, but were filled with the Holy Spirit and the gospel of Christ. " \ May it be our prayer that’ we, too, be filled and ready to minister to the needs of others.

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