King's business - 1943-04


April 1941

Golden Text Illustration

While other things are Included In the causes for anguish in the coming judgment day, intemperance has its place among them. No one can be in­ temperate and avoid the horrors which the Holy Spirit pictures as resulting from the deceitfulness of wine. Points and Probleips 1. "Wine is a mocker" (Prov. 20:1). One of the worst things about strong drink is its deception. It promises great advantages which it ;s utterly unable to fu lfill; then it mocks at the victims of its deception. It promises exhilaration and pleasure to the young; then it mocks at the chains of bondage with which it binds them. Liquor promises sociability and satis­ faction to the man of maturity and responsibility; then it mocks at his broken home, his broken business, and his broken health. It promises relief for those bowed beneath the crushing 'weight of trouble or sorrow; then it mocks a f the emptiness of the prom­ ise. It promises good health and a joyful spirit to all, and then mocks at its emaciated, wretched, and ruin­ ed victims. 2. "At the l a s t it biteth" (Prov. 23:32). Drunkenness bites the victim like a poisonous serpent. It stings, it leads to impurity, it incites to vulgar speech, it deadens the brain, and sears the conscience. If the one who is tempted to drink could see the bot­ tom of the cup, surely he would never take the first sip. He can see those bitter dregs in the experience of myriads of others, and in the faith­ ful utterances of the Word of God. It is an evidence of the depravity of the human heart that men Will persist in falling before the sin of intemperance. What is true of the evil of strong drink is true of all sin. • "At the last it biteth." There are pleasures and allurements Which last' for a little while, but in* the end there is sorrow, judgment, and destruction. “The way of transgressors is hard.” “The wages of sin is death.” Persistence in the way of sin means final condemnation. But how good it is to know that there is One who has borne the penalty of sin for man! Through Him there can be victory over all temptation, and deliverance from judgment and death. 3. "Who then is a faithful and wise servant?" (Matt. 24:45). This question may apply both to us and to the Jews of the tribulation period. The' answer is clear. They are faithful and wise who, so thoroughly believe the prom­ ise of the coming of the Lord that they are always busy in His service. The Lord may delay His coming, but there will be no lessening of loyalty to Him. Let us never lose the thrill of the significance of the fact that perhaps today the- Lord may come. This thought w ill,keep us .busy and w ill keep us pure (1 John 3:2, 3).



P roverbs 23:32 The notion t h a t alcohol may do good because, for a moment, it seems to do good was well answered by a physician’s response to a man who was much given to the pleasures of the glass. This man said to the doc­ tor: “What do you think of the influ­ ence of alcohol on the digestion, doc­ tor?” “ I think it is bad,” said the physi­ cian. “But a little whiskey taken before a meal is the only key that will open my appetite, doctor.” “ I don’t believe in opening things with false keys,” answered the doc­ tor. The response was particularly ap­ plicable, for a falsely stimulated ap­ petite is a sure prelude to indiges­ tion.— Youth's Companion. Peter in Prison Acts 12:1-17 MEMORY VERSE: “ God . . . careth for you” (1 Pet. 5:6, 7). ’ TO THE TEACHER: Some lesson outlines give, as the children’s lesson for today, “Jesus’ Friend Peter,” while others treat that subject next Sun­ day, May 30. This lesson, “Peter in ter. Today we are to hear what hap­ pened , to Peter when wicked King Herod tried to kill him. LESSON: It was because Herod was very angry, and because his heart was full of evil thoughts that he put Peter, a good man, in prison. He told soldiers to guard Peter night and day, so that he could not get away. He or­ dered two heavy chains put on him. Peter might have complained or scold­ ed or cried about this, but he didn’t. At night he lay down quietly between the two soldiers who watched him, and went to sleep. Peter knew that God was taking care of him. He knew, too, that some friends of his were praying for him. While Peter was sleeping, suddenly there was a great light in the prison, and there, right beside him, was a heavenly messenger. The angel told Peter: “Arise up quickly” (v. 7). The heavy chains fell from his hands. Then Peter was told to dress himself and to put on his sandals. As he walked along with the Lprd’s messen­ ger, the gate opened in a wonderful way, and Peter was free. Prison,” is listed also in some out­ lines under June 6. The individual teacher may inter­ change the lessons as she prefers. A P PR O ACH: We know that one of the Lord Jesus’ followers was Pe­

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