King's business - 1943-04


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

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and a Bishop who gives individual in­ struction to each one who trusts Him.

of God and the universal brotherhood of man,” it is well to riote the distinc­ tion that is to be seen in these, two in­ junctions. All men are to be honored. They are creatures of God and, in spite of the ruin of sin, there are traces of the image of God in every man. But within the company of all men there is a brotherhood. It is based upon faith in Christ and the new birth. Only those who own Christ as Saviour can claim God as their Father. .These in­ dividuals form the brotherhood of be­ lievers, and each believer should be the object of the godly love exercised by each fellow believer. 4. "That ye should follow his steps" (v. 21). You will note that the prepo* .sition “in” does not occur in the text. -Many seem to think it belongs there but, as Alva J. McClain says, “Who could follow ‘in’ the mighty steps of the Son of God, as He stepped from vheaven’s glory to a manger in Bethle­ hem, from humanity to the death of the cross, and from the tomb to the throne of the Universe? No, we cannot follow in His steps, but thank God, it is our unspeakable privilege and duty to ‘follow his steps,’ to pause beside each one in adoring wonder, to medi­ tate upon the grace that led Him al] the way, and,, as we consider those blessed steps,, to become more and, more like Him.” Golden Text Ilustration 1 P eter 2:17 When Raphael’s great picture, the Sistine Madonna, was first, brought, to' Dresden it was displayed in the castle in the presence of the King. However, the most favorable spot' in thè throne- room was occupied by the throne it­ self. The King pushed the.throne to one side, saying: “Make room for the immortal Raphael. The first place and the best place belong to him.” Like­ wise the chief place in a nation’s life belongs to God. True patriotism recog­ nizes God.—Adapted from Twenty-five Hundred Best Modern Illustrations, by Hallock. Jesua' Friend Peter 1 P eter ' l : l ; 2:11-25 MEMORY VERSE:- “ By. this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another” (John 13:35). APPROACH: We have learned many things about the life of Peter in our Sunday-School lessons this year. Can any one remember something about

Points and Problems 1. "To the strangers scattered" (1 Pet. 1:1). Literally, this should read, “ to the ■ elect sojourners of the disper­ sion.” The word, “dispersion” is a col­ lective term for all the Israelites who after the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities were scattered in Asia dnd elsewhere. The term “sojourners” is translated “pilgrims” in s.l Peter 2:11 and Hebrews 11:13. The literal mean­ ing is “ dwellers in a strange land.” The primary reference is to scattered Jewish believers, but how accurately these words ‘also describe believers of all races and ages! Every believer is a sojourner, on earth for a little while, but his real home is heaven. Like the Bedouin shepherds of the East who pitch their tents for a little whije in a certain.locality and then move on, the Christian has pitched his tent for a few years in this world until his.min­ istry is- done; then he will strike his tent dnd move into heaven. 2. "Having yaur conversation honest among the Gentiles" (1 Pet. 2:12). This word “conversation” literally means “manner of life, conduct, walk.” Tne Revised Version renders it “behavior.” The thought is that these scattered Christians were to walk so circum­ spectly among the people with whom they associated, that they would corn- pel recognition. It was the will of God that the manner of life of the Chris­ tians should be so exemplary and con­ sistent that foolish men would be put to silence (1 Pet. 2:i5). God expects transformed living on the part of born- again people. The Scripture always as­ sociates, Christian doctrine with Chris­ tian living. The one Is the tree; the other is the fruit. Godly living, is the result of proper believing. 3. "Honor all men. Love the broth­ erhood" (v. IT). In these days of much talk about “the' Universal fatherhood

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I S Y OUR H E A R T O P E N FOR THE R U S S I A N S ? There is not a single nation in the whole world so neglected and forgotten by most of the North American Christians as the Russians are. Thousands of Russian believers,are passing through economic hard- ships because of the ruthless war. Millions of that great nation are sit­ ting in spiritual darkness and only a small number of North American Christiana are realizing their responsibility in helping the suffering Russian believers and in giving out the Gospel to the unsaved ones." > The : Russian Christian Relief Society under the leadership of the Holy Spirit administers relief to the sufferijig believers and carries on missionary Work among millions of Russians living in spiritual darkness m Europe, Asia, South America, United States and Canada. We are ask­ ing all God’s dear children to help us in this great work of the Lord's with prayers and gifts. RUSSIAN CHRISTIAN RELIEF SOCIETY 690 Eighth Avenue Room 506K New York, N. Y. Rev. Peter Pleshko, General Director

him to tell us? When P e t e r had b e c o m e quite an old man he wrote tw o l e t t e r s t o Christians. These letters are 1 and 2 Peter. They ant in , the New T e s t a - ment. P e t e r had been Jesus’ friend


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