King's business - 1943-04


April 1943

PRESENTDAY Timely, Scriptural and Convincing “Why God Permit* War in Hi* Own World” “The Christian's Place in a Warring World” “Why Does God Not Kill Hitler?” “What ‘'Time Is It by God’s Time1 Measurement?” Price 10c or $1.00 per dozen. "The Epistle of Jude,” a message (or the last days. 15c per copy, 2 for 25c. “God and the Nations.” Takes up God’s past, present and future dealing w i t h Nations. 25c per copy. ROBERT"L. EVANS, D. D. 125 Stockbrldge Ave., Alhambra, Calif.

for a long time, and the things he wrote in his letters are very important to all of us. LESSON STORY: Today .we are not going to have a lesson story. Instead we are going to Study some of the ad­ vice, or rules, that Peter wrote to Christians. (Explain and illustrate the great truths set forth in verses 11 to 25 so that your particular group will understand them.) 1. Stay away from the bad things that fight against the good ones in your life (v. 11).. 2. Be honest in everything you do so thaÇ people who are not Christians w ill see your life and will praise God (v. 12). 3. Obey the rules of your home; school, and country for Jesus’ sake (vs. 13-16). 4. Be respectful. Love other Chris­ tians. Fear and love God. Honor your country’s ruler (v. 17). 5..Endure wrong and suffering, if necessary, for the Lord Jesus Christ’s sake (vs. 18-20). (In conclusion, read and explain verses 21-25 to older children. For very young children probably a simple ex­ planation without reading will be better.) Shall we bow our heads and ask the heavenly Father to help us to live more like Christians from now on? Object Lesson W atch the W alk OBJECTS: Four shoes—a summer shoe, a winter shoe, a dress shoe, and the other a heavy shoe. LESSON: I brought some shoes with me this morning to help teach the lesson. No matter where we are going, we all need shoes. Here I have a summer shoe and a winter shoe. What would people think of me, if I were to go down town wear­ ing these shoes? At least they would think I was very strange. Here are two more. One is a dress shoe and the other a heavy shoe. If I were to wear them at the same time, the heavy shoe would attract attention by making more noise than the other. Most of us are very careful when we are going places to see that we wear shoes which match each other. It is well for us to be careful. We who are Christians should be specially careful of how we walk. Even though we may wear shoes that match, we w ill be watched by people who do not know Christ. They will be watching to see whether we walk as the followers of Christ should walk. PeteT must have had this truth in mind when he wrote, “Dearly beloved, I ‘ beseech you as strangers and pil­ grims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall be­

hold, glorify God in the day of visita­ tion” (1 Pet. 2:11, 12). Sometimes we think, “ It won’t mat­ ter what shoes I wear,” and we forget that many times one’s character is judged by the tidiness of his footwear. If it is wise for us to be careful about the shoes we wear, in order that people may think well of us, should we not be more careful in our daily walk and actions, in order that those who watch us may come to glorify God as Peter suggests? 1 •

Read About the Word of God “Happening” in Holland on Page 122.


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They hit home! Are read and kept— and pon­ dered. Many testily to their soul-winning power. Needed on the home front, too. YOU be the judge of their beauty, quality, and appeal. Read, clip and mail thin advertisement today. Let This Be Your Order TRACT-OF-THE-MONTH CLUB, 322W. Washington St., Chicago Please send me tracts as indicated below Dept-K-43 Following Titles, 100 at 35c * 500 at $1.60 * 1,000 at $3.00 .....$ $ .....$ $ .....$ $ ........... .....$ ft ft $ $ _ .... $ .....$ Following Titles, 100 at 75c * 5 0 0 at $3.25 * 1,000 at $6.00 ft When HiÜér Meets God Alone....................................................................... .....$ -AKing and aG oneralSpeak—1Testimony ofKing GeorgeV Iand Chiang Kai-Shek $_ _The W ay of Salvation...................... .......................................... .............;........$---------- -Seven Men Went Singing into Heaven......*...,.............................. - ....................$_____ _ A Lieutenant's Miraculous Escape from Death............. ................................... $------ .Prepared—Outside and Inside........................... $___ Toted $_ Add 10% for postage on less than $2.50. Other tides also—List Free. □ Check here for FREESamples'



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