King's business - 1943-04


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Conard Sandy

Ruth C. Uhlinger

Mildred D. Rice

NOTES on Christian Endeavor • FOR, YOUNG PEOPLE

MAY 2, 1943 BE IN G CHR IST IAN IN M Y W O R K R omans 12:2 ; C olossians 3:23-25 ; P roverbs 13:7 By Chester J. Padgett Introduction The beauty and forcefulness of the Christian Jife is its all-inclusiveness. It shapes all decisions, patterns all conduct, inspires all effort, dominates all thinking, and controls all of life. It has the cardinal role in the Chris­ tian’s social, political, recreational, vocational, and religious expression. Even under the pressure of a world at war, when our own nation demands the utmost of pur resourced, time, and strength, and when we are asked to work long hours a day, it is still pos­ sible for us to maintain a strong Christian testimony and our close,'un­ broken fellowship with the Lord. To many Christians in these days there may come the temptation to let their spiritual experience take a back seat for the “ duration.” Satan, •the arch­ enemy of souls, is not taking a vaca­ tion; and while there is a world con­ flict raging which involves us all, we dare not slacken either our defensive or our offensive efforts against him. How m a y we be Christian in o u r work? For Those Who Hove Topics I. BY CONFORMATION TO THE WILL OF GOD. To be Christian in our work, we must experience conformation to the life and will of Jesus Christ. This is

The Writers

May 2—CHESTER J. PADGETT Mr. Padgett (B. Th. ’40 at Biola)- is now attending Wheaton Col- • lege, Wheaton, 111. His ministry among young people has always t been extensive. May 9—RUTH CHARLTON UHLINGER Mrs. Uhlinger (Biola ’42) has sponsored a Bible club for children in her own home, and has worked among young people at sum­ mer conferences held by t h e American Sunday-School • Union. She is now attending Westmont College, Los Angeles, Calif., and is busy helping her husband, Paul Uhlinger, with his pastorate at Stonehurst Chapel ip Roscoe, Calif. May 16—CONARD SANDY Mr. Sandy is pastor of the Third Brethren -Church of Los Angeles, Calif., and has been active in young people’s work as President • -of the Brethren Young People’s Camp for* Southern California. Last summer he served oh the faculty of the High-school and College Conference of the Los Angeles County Christian En­ deavor Union at Tahquitz Pines. May 23—MILDRED DEAN RICE Mrs. Rice, returning for furlough from China in May, 1941, spon­ sored a Christian Endeavor Society in the Trinity Missionary i ® Church in Hollywood, Calif. Now she is active in young people’s work in Oriand, Ind., where her husband is engaged in the sup­ ply pastorate of the Methodist Church. May 30—MIRIAM J. DAVIS Mrs. Davis (Biola ’32) went to China as a missionary immedi­ ately after her graduation from the Bible Institute of Los An- • • geles and organized a young people’s work in a neglected section * of Peking.- She has served on three mission stations, and in every instance her major work was among young people.

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