King's business - 1943-04


April 1943

kept his faith in Christ Jesus and re­ mained a true wifness. He is not alone in suffering for the cause of Christ. Many of God’s serv­ ants who have left homes and loved ones in order to bear the gospel to others have suffered these things and more—some even unto death. In our Scripture passage, we have four rea­ sons' or bases for “The Case for Mis­ sions.” * For Those Who Have Topics L THE PERSON OF CHRIST (Matt. 28:16, 17). Those who carefully keep their ap­ pointments with the Lord know Him and Jove Him; hence they worship Him and constantly seek His will. Those who are lax about these ap­ pointments have little knowledge of the Redeemer, and often th^y have doubts about the merits and needs of missions. No one can be a true mis­ sionary of-the gospel until he knows the Lord whom he is to represent. Note Peter’s testimony in this connec­ tion (Matt. 16:13-17; John 6:66-69). II. THE POWER OF CHRIST (v. 18). The power of the Lord Jesus is un­ limited as to His ability to do what­ soever He wills, and is universal in that He exercises it in every arena of life. He is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe (John 1-3; Heb. 1:3). He is the Saviour of the world (John 4:42), and the Keeper of every saint (Psa. 23:1; John 10:27-30). On earth He faithfully cares for His own (1 Pet. 5:7), and in heaven He makes inter­ cession for them (Heb. 7:25). III. THE PROGRAM OF CHRIST (vs. 19, 20). \ The little word “ all” is the key to this section. The program outlined by the Lord Himself is that all the na­ tions shall be given all the gospel; no nation dare be omitted, and none of the gospel story dare be with­ held by those who claim to be serv­ ants of the Lord Jesus. “ Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mk. 16:15; cf. John 5:31-38; 17:18; 20:21). We are sent just as He was sent. IV. THE PRESENCE OF CHRIST (v. 20 ). Never, in any generation or under any circumstance, has a missionary' of the Lord Jesus been without His companionship. The Apostle P a u l found this to be true in his plea be­ fore the Jewish council (Acts 23:11), and when he made his last defense before Caesar at Rome, after spending muchttime in a horrible Roman prison (2 Tim. 4:16, 17). • During the Reformation days, Mar­ tin Luther learned it to be true in Germany, while J o h n Knox expe­ rienced the same over in Scotland. Liv-



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ingstone could say it was true in the heart of Africa, and Grenfell from the shores of Labrador. The presence of Christ is not limited to time or place. Conclusion Christ Jesus is the Author, the Heart, the Power, and the Lord of all mis- * sions, and of all missionaries who go forth under His banner. The “case for missions” for any Christian is just as strong as his knowledge of and love for the Lord.

★ ★ ★

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We are living in an era when doors are closed in certain countries to the spreading of the gospel by “outsiders.” This is bringing great sorrow of heart to thousands ,of us, His children, who have caught Christ’s vision of a world need when He gave us His command: “ Go ye.” Nevertheless, in our day as in the days of the Acts of the Apos- -ties, we are “forbidden . . . to preach” for a time. However, though the Holy Ghost knows no international bar­ riers, and although missionaries can­ not enter certain lands behind those “ closed doors,” there are even now great revivals being carried on by the n a t i v e s themselves, resulting in sweeping literally thousands into the

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