King's business - 1943-04


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

as you pray in the will of God, situa­ tions and people are really changed in that place for w h fc h you have prayed? A great man said recently, “Our greatest need in America ns a revival of prayer. It is.the spiritual stem to which all results cling, receive their nourishment, and grow. The com­ manding of our possessions, the pas­ sion for souls, the steady faith of the mind, and the kindling of love in the human heart—these things come not ‘but by prayer.and fasting.’ ” III. OPEN DOOR OF, P E R S O N A L EVANGELISM. As Jesus walked this earth He saw the ones whq needed Him, the sinful, the sick, the children; but as we walk about our daily tasks do we, too, see spiritual needs? God wants us to be vital Christians, bringing Him to every needy heart in our land. Anything less than bringing forth fruit does not meet God’s standard for a Christian. He promised us that if we would fo l­ low Him we would not just give out a word of testimony or a Scripture verse, but that we would “catch men.” One day a young high-school senior called at my home': She did not know Christ, but she wanted to, even though the way to God looked so long she was afraid to enter upon it. The year previously her stepmother had delib­ erately led her into drink, and she had become a servant of sin. One night several weeks later, it was my privilege to lead this girl to the Lord Jesus Christ, and oh, what a change! She went back to school, started a noon prayer meeting, and by the end of the school year scores had been won from darkness to light. Conclusion May our prayer ever be, “ Lord, may no soul come into my presence with a need, and leave just the same as he came. Make me spiritually con­ scious of every open door before me.” MAY 30, 1943 W H A T IT TAK E S TO BE A M IS S IO N AR Y A cts 26:19'; 2 C o r in t h ia n s 11:23-28 By Miriam J. Davis “If called to be a missionary, don’t stoop to be a king!” Any of God’s chosen ones can become His ambas­ sadors, His witnesses, His ministers, and have His highest commission. It costs something, however, and because God gave His highest, we must give our utmost. Paul remains the outstanding mis­ sionary of all time, and the spiritual equipment of Paul is the same as that needed by missionaries today. When Paul was concluding his mighty de­ fense before King Agrippa, he ad­ dressed the king personally, and said, • Introduction .

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PROPHECY An 'accurate Scriptural study. Tracing the Messiah through the Old and New Testaments. Should be in the hands of every Bible loving Christian. S E N T F R E E Christian Witness to Israel, Inc. 6704 Cedar Ave. Merchantville, N. J.

kingdom. For us Christians, the door of service which has been closed tem­ porarily is for a purpose—that we might see the “ open door” set before us, for we dare not stand still for one moment in our great task of win, ning men for Christ/ For Those Who Hove Topics i. O p e n d o o r s a r o u n d t h e WORLD. Have you read about; the amazing crusade in Mexico under F. J. Huegel, whose goal is the gospel in every home? For 1943, .800,000 gospels are needed. The crusade is spreading like wildfire, and recently the Presbyterian Church numbering 120 churches also joined, and is calling for 25,000 gos­ pels a month. As a result of this cru­ sade among Spanish-speaking people, many are turning to Christ. South America, sometimes called the most neglected- field on earth, is at our very doorstep. Mission boards are training fresh recruits, and work­ ers are being sent into those countries of need. E u r o p e at present seems tightly closed, and yet recently we met a dear Greek brother here in America who is reaching thousands of his courltry men in the major cit­ ies of the United States with- the gos­ pel. This is entirely outside the splen­ did home missions’ program being carried on by faithful believers within our own borders. Is there an open door before you? Pray that you may not be spiritually blind in this hour of a whitened harvest. n. OPEN DOOR OF PRAYER. A great challenge came to me re­ cently through this statement by W il­ liam Evans: “The reason you do not pray when you begin your day is be­ cause you think you can get along perfectly well that day without God’s help!” How many Christians prove by their actions that they do not really believe in prayer! How much faith do you have now? Do you believe that


The shame of mass murder of Jews hy the Jiazig com­ puted J.n the millions were first thouaht to he fantastic. Now unmistakable p r o o f shows that heartless cruelty has been understated.

A CHRISTIAN CHALLENC These Jewish persecutions m ay be in Go Fo C h riri* b°vr hPP?rtUn'i y t0 w in Hi M S S ? weyreSa'?ryWca?e.thr0Ugh “ ater Swidpn 0 C^ ty.i,is 1 0w sendin8 aid throt ® ^ d e n to the starving Jews in Polai m any o f w hom are children. T h is help is in addition to our minis- S E a? d 1a- h a lf m illion Jews N ew Y o rk City including the care o f I brew -C hristian refugees. THE DIVINE IMPERATIVE "G o rather to the lost sheep of the house m .i5 ra e 'ii, 111 is Christ’s com- mand w ith im pressive m eaning today. If God prom pts you to give, do it at once through this Society founded in 1908 b v the sainted D r. Thom as M. Chalmers. Frederick A. Aston ? r i£ iilie iBy 0 Sress o f the work in our monthly Jewish Missionary Magazine.” Subscription, $ 1.00 per year. Sample copy, 10c. NEW YORK JEWISH EVANGELIZATION SOCIETY Rev. Curtis Lee Law s. D.D., LL.D ., President sKev. Frederick A. Aston, A.M.. Director 06 second Avenue, New York, N. Y,



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